Originally Posted by Ferd
that doesnt mean you arent a christian.
To some here (Brother Epley among them) it means exactly that.
it doesnt mean you arent welcome here.
There are likely some here who wish all the non-UPCers would go away.
It is simply the working definition of what this forum means when we talk about being Apostolic.
Coming to agreement on this is like trying to come to agreement on the hair issue.
Timmy, it seems that you are AOG or some form of Trinitarian Pentecostal. i am not trying to take issue with your "Pentecostalness" (is that a word?)
when we talk about Pentecostals you are one of us.... but at the same time, that doesnt mean that you are Oneness....which pretty well defines what we mean by Apostolic..
Well, yes, there are certain doctrinal distinctives that make someone "Apostolic" in the same sense that there are certain doctrinal distinctives that make someone "Pentecostal." Of course, there are some here who might be inclined not to accept anyone but Apostolics as Pentecostals.