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Old 12-02-2007, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
I'm waiting to see if this is a joke........if it was supposed to be, it is in VERY poor taste.

If it's for real, I'm anxious to have a serious discussion with Truthseeker.
Yes. With the gif and all I think TS may have fallen afoul of an attempt at irony. I took it kind of like, "As IF!!" or something like that. "Wheels within wheels."

But with a ban in place, we may not know for some time.
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:28 PM
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It's interesting that this thread just came up. I was talking to a friend to attends the UPC church that I used to go to. She was telling me that the man who has pastored that church for the past several years got up last Sunday morning and read his letter of resignation effective immediately. He wouldn't even be back for the evening service.

I asked what they were going to do now. This church used to run 150-200 people and now it's down to about 15 on a good day.

Her reply to me was they think they already have a new pastor. I was shocked! Then she said to me in a whisper, "But guess what kind."

Well, I'm thinking, what do you mean 'what kind'??? How many "kinds" are there????

She whispered quickly (like it was a nasty secret) "A black one!"

I was furious at her!! I told her there was absolutely nothing wrong with having an African American pastor. If that's who GOD has called to pastor this church, she absolutely has to get rid of that tone of voice when speaking about the man!

Of course, she back-peddled for about 3 or 4 miles. But the damage was already done. I truly fear for this church. With her kind of attitude, they will never grow!! What shame!!
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:29 PM
NewWine NewWine is offline
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I responded to you personally via a private message because what I had to say was not something that I deemed to put in the open discussion. However, by you posting your response in the open forum; you have clearly shown that you are a person with no respect whatsoever, and obviously professionalism. I responded to you in a kind and Godly manner. Since you have decided to try and make open show of me here is a no holds bar response for you.

You Sir, have not and can never walk in the shoes those that have been called a ni**ger; I grew up being called that. I have also had comments said to me that "why is your last name white it should be black", of referred to as being of color, and even a colored person. You of all people have no place trying to give me of all people a lesson on racist statements. Let alone taking your knowledge from wikipedia. The real lesson can only be learned from true experience. So you can take all that you have posted and keep it to yourself; because it has no bearing on the reality of the issue. So here is a real lesson for you, in the progression of labels....First, we were called Negro. Then, Color/Colored depending on the sentence structure. Afterwhich, that changed to Black. Presently, we are called African-American and that is only because most slaves came from the continent of Africa; thus, that is then a dichotomy because all didn't come from Africa. We are the only ethnicity of people in this country that have had those that are "white" determine how we are going to be labeled. Just because you pulled something on the internet doesn't make you smart, it only shows your lack of true knowledge. The sheer audacity to try and "tell me about myself" is REPULSIVE AND INSULTING.

The term women of color has been embraced and used to replace the term minority women.
This is not embraced in any shape form or fashion.

I don't care about the picture of your grandmother, it means absolutely nothing to me.
Now that's all I have to say on the matter..end of discussion.

Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
For NewWine ....

The term people, or, person of color should not be confused w/ the term colored peopled used w/ frequency during Jim Crow era.


"Free Persons of Color"

The term "Free Persons of Colour" first appeared during colonial times (1600-1800s). It was applied to a variety of ethnic people, to include Black, Native American, Portuguese, Sephardic Jews, Greeks, Romanians, Moors, Arabs, Asiatic Indians* and Pakistanis* (*who were here as early as the mid 1600s from England, usually as indentured servants), and varied others including mixed races. The common denominator was skin darker than Northern Europeans. The term "colored" generated from this catagorization, to mainly indicated those of African ancestry, but to include any person of darker complexion.

The term people of color in the United States

It is difficult to discuss this term without the discussions of power and privilege. This term has very different meanings in different countries and contexts. Some find this term as offensive as the term colored, on the grounds that it fixes whites as the benchmark for racial division, fostering an "us versus them" view of race relations. Proponents of the term maintain that that the term minority suffers moreso from these drawbacks; many of its proponents believe that "people of color" refers to an identity borne out of shared struggle. They also support the acknowledgement that those who wield power and who benefit from racial privilege in a racist society, as such proponents[attribution needed] assume the United States to be, are primarily white.

The historical term free people of color refers to people of African descent during slavery who lived in freedom. A related term from the time of slavery is gens de couleur, a French expression that refers to the free descendants of white French colonists and Africans. Because so many of these people had mixed African and European ancestry, they are sometimes labeled mulatto. They are also sometimes referred to as affranchis.

Some struggle to identify with the term, arguing the word color merely refers to level of skin melanin, and so fails to define correctly those who are not noticeably non-white or whose racial background includes both races of white and non-white. It should be further noted that terms such as colored people or people of color are technically misnomers; most white people have color in their skin as well, with the exception of albinos.

The term women of color has been embraced and used to replace the term minority women. Some also prefer the term of color to the term minorityobjectification.
because they see the latter as describing a stance of subjugation and


Albeit, I accept that some may be uncomfortable w/ the term ...person of color... but it is used even among the most politically liberal.

Having been raised in New York City ... taught in a Junior High School for almost 9 years in the city w/ predominantly West Indian population ... studied in a liberal bastion of the City University ... and having African roots because of the mixture of races on the islands of Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic ... I am confident that the term is in no way POLITICALLY INCORRECT as it is used among those who share a common struggle today.

A picture of my grandmother ...

Last edited by NewWine; 12-02-2007 at 08:34 PM. Reason: because i can
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:29 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Hey, there's another Dominican around! My mom's family is all Dominican, and my great-great grandmother was the first to leave Catholicism for Pentecost (trinity). She was white Dominican, though, and very racist... she was old-school though, past 100 when she died.

Anyways, I don't know if this was already asked to the starter of this thread, but why are you going UPC? Why leave the COOLJC? Why join another organization?

Bro. Alex
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:33 PM
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Racism is a sin.
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:35 PM
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NewWine, when we are talking about different races, what would you prefer that we refer to your ethnic background as?

I'm serious when I ask that because I never know what to say. I just think it's sad that we even feel the need to have labels. But since we do - society deems it necessary - at least tell us what label to use.

Thank you!
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Racism is a sin.

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Old 12-02-2007, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by NewWine View Post
I responded to you personally via a private message because what I had to say was not something that I deemed to put in the open discussion. However, by you posting your response in the open forum; you have clearly shown that you are a person with no respect whatsoever, and obviously professionalism. I responded to you in a kind and Godly manner. Since you have decided to try and make open show of me here is a no holds bar response for you.

You Sir, have not and can never walk in the shoes those that have been called a ni**ger; I grew up being called that. I have also had comments said to me that "why is your last name white it should be black", of referred to as being of color, and even a colored person. You of all people have no place trying to give me of all people a lesson on racist statements. Let alone taking your knowledge from wikipedia. The real lesson can only be learned from true experience. So you can take all that you have posted and keep it to yourself; because it has no bearing on the reality of the issue. So here is a real lesson for you, in the progression of labels....First, we were called Negro. Then, Color/Colored depending on the sentence structure. Afterwhich, that changed to Black. Presently, we are called African-American and that is only because most slaves came from the continent of Africa; thus, that is then a dichotomy because all didn't come from Africa. We are the only ethnicity of people in this country that have had those that are "white" determine how we are going to be labeled. Just because you pulled something on the internet doesn't make you smart, it only shows your lack of true knowledge. The sheer audacity to try and "tell me about myself" is REPULSIVE AND INSULTING.

The term women of color has been embraced and used to replace the term minority women.
This is not embraced in any shape form or fashion.

I don't care about the picture of your grandmother, it means absolutely nothing to me.
NW, I think you just need to step back a couple of steps re-evaluate what has been said. I see absolutely no disrespect whatsoever in anything Dan has said. It sounds to me like yo have a chip on your shoulder. It is one thing for a person to speak disrespectfully or in way smacking of prejudice, but I don't see that here.

I pastor multi-ethnic church and have black folks in our church use the term "person of color." They are also not sensitive when it comes to these things. I try my best to be respectful and sensitive. Respect goes both ways. I am sorry you were offended by these remarks but I see no disrespect intended unless I am missing something.
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:38 PM
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NW ... you obviously have some issues unrelated to this subject matter that you need to resolve .. but I digress.

I have experienced prejudice and racism even in a tolerant city like New York ... can I pretend to say they equate to those that are of a darker hue than I ... of course not ... Nor can I fathom the pain and hurt you've experienced.

You implied,however, as I deem it ... that I used offensive language ... and I simply demonstrated that this is untrue.

I can't apologize for what has transpired in this nation ... especially because I have received some of the same hatred you have .... you are not only in this struggle.

Secondly, your original argument against the term is fallacious ... if everyone is a person of color ... than calling someone a person of color applies to all and cannot be deemed offensive simply a reality.

I accept your personal view on the matter ... and respect it ... however, the term is acceptable in today's political correct climate.

No one can tell you about your unique experience.... however to call folks out in this manner because you personally don't like a term is, in my opinion, equally repulsive.

I'm sorry you have had to bring this conversation to this level.
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:39 PM
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When the PAW split in the 20's over the racial issue Bishop Haywood never got over it he was hurt deep. It is a blight on the history of the American Jesus Name movement.
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