Respectfully I don't see a weekly giving command. Paul told them to lay something aside weekly so that when he came they would have something substantial to give for a need and not have to take up a collection when he came. This collection was for the saints in Jerusalem. Paul already came and took the gift. No need to keep laying something aside for the saints in Jerusalem. Paul came and took it.
I take it you are anti-assembly. the weekly collections are taken and are used for the assembly's benefit. If this forum is the extent of your church fellowship I don't think you are following the apostles doctrine. Paul established churches in Galatia, Corinthian, Ephesus, etc. He never wanted any of these city's churches to be seperated in different sects and no doubt they had gathering places then. The upper room on the day of Pentecost was a building structure wasn't it.
What about the collections taken in Jerusalem that went for the church there when it was first started. you find the first account of a deacon board being set up to care for the neglected widows through church proceeds so that the apostles and early church ministers could concern their selves with prayer and study. you have said earlier that someone needs to start a non tithe church org. , but if you don't even believe in weekly giving that won't ever be an option.
You may be a giving person, I don't know you personally. Some of your arguments may not be self serving and your main reason for your stance maybe honorable. No matter how poor or how rich people are if they have God in their hearts giving will never be a major issue. 1 cor. 13 is the love chapter. K.J.V. appropriately uses the word charity for the Greek word agape. Charity is love in action. When you love your giving knows no ends. If you don't trust any kind of Church government you can find in the NT that it was established by God.
Many of the web sites you have read against the non-biblical teaching of forced tithing is probably written by paid church staff. Who have only been able to afford the time to do a lot of their studies because of church financial support. If you think for a minute that the apostles received no financial support you are mistaken.
Paul may have not have received a weekly salary, but he was still being supported very much through church offerings. The economy in the early church probably was very different from the way we live in the USA. We probably could do so much more instead of so much less.