I want to clear up a couple of things.
Felicity and I have been posting on these same boards together for several years now.
We had a friendly rapport on the battle ground that was FCF, though we disagreed on some things then and still do now.
Felicity has always conducted herself toward me as a Christian and a lady. In her spirit and deportment and manner, she reminds me of a favorite Aunt of mine who is very, very dear to me. I noted this years ago, and dubbed her my "Favorite Virtual Aunty."
I have remained in contact with both her and her husband over the years, and this year at GC we were able to meet and share several meals and quite a bit of time together. They have become our friends, not just online, but in real life.
If that seems strange to some, given the differences in our respective ideologies, I don't know what to tell you. I suppose you'll just have to wonder.
I don't particularly care if some think I must therefore be a compromiser, or if others think this represents some kind of inconsistency. I never have yet let any clique choose my friends for me, and I am not about to start now. So the opinions of those who may object is a matter of supreme indifference to me.
Anway, there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth.