Originally Posted by coadie
So you admit the IQ is an ego claim? It is not actually measured?
The libertiarians are on a head trip of superiority just like the other brand of liberals.
Ron Paul is a babbling idiot in regards to economics. The ignorant people that are impressed with him only see that Ron Paul criticizes negative economic statistics that they are need criticisim. But he is retarded in economics. The junk he tracks is 100 years old. Never tested and never adopted.
Ron Pauls hero is Ayn Rand. Ayn is just another atheist philosphy major.She wrote for Hollywood.
Ayn is worthless for 3 reasons. She is a writer of fiction. Her math methodologies are non existent. She has no science. Just personal conviction.
If you have not overdosed on koolaid, you can watch her rants and see she contradicts herself. If you are on koolaid, you won't notice it.
Her hero was Frederich Neitzche. Another heathen zealot.
No, that's not what I admit. Why do you just about ALWAYS put words in people's mouth?
How are Libertarians liberals? Are you confused? Slap yourself a few times and see if that works... maybe it will get you unstuck.
People that are impressed with Ron Paul are ignorant? Really? That's all you have? He is retarded in economics? Nothing of substance to anything you are saying.
Ayn Rand's objectivism is a false philosophy, but to dismiss her like that (without ever reading her works) is foolishness. There's a reason she's on most Top 25 reading lists. She's also the philosophical substance behind even those more liberal than herself: people like Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage. See, she has a diverse fan base.
Ayn is worthless? Have you read any of her books? You speak like an ignorant ass. (I know you haven't read her works because you previously responded you didn't know who she was). One of the most influential voices against the economic idea of Socialism.
Please point out her contradictions... or SOME substance. I have no idea what you are taking issue with and what your issue is, or what your solution is. You just babble, babble, babble....