Almost everybody?
I really don't think so.
Or maybe you are right and I am giving the white Holy-Ghost filled people I know today who were alive back then too much credit.
What a nasty and terrible attittude!
If God doesn't change and if these white folks were filled with the Holy Ghost back then, how could something like that EVER have been in their hearts?
Another question, if any of them had died with that kind of attitdue, the attitude that only certain people count for Kingdom of God, could they have possible been saved?
Or is this kind of deception more acceptable to GOD than being baptized in the titles, "Father, Son and Holy Ghost...."
More and more, everyday, I am glad that I am at peace with my view of the Gospel.
IF God moved on these people who thought like that, used people who really believed like that, then I KNOW BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT GOD CAN USE SOMEONE LIKE ME-- ISSUES AND ALL!!!
I would be even more disgusted, if not for the pile of stinking poo that the Lord is bringing me out of!
You know, so much had already happened in America by the EARLY 70's.
To think that Holy Ghost filled people, "People Of the Name", "People In the Truth", "God's ONLY Remnant In These Last Days"-- the juxtoposition of that terrible attitude against their views only exposes the pride and arrogance---
My stomanch is twisting in knots and I'm really getting ready to throw up!!!
Makes me almost want to curse-- but I won't.
God forbid that I behave like their heart had once saw people like me.
But they have the truth and everyone else is lost.....