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View Poll Results: Are you a one-stepper or a three-stepper?
I am a one-stepper. 14 29.79%
I am a three-stepper. 26 55.32%
I am uncertain which category I would be. 7 14.89%
Voters: 47. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-18-2008, 08:46 AM
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by bkstokes View Post
"If they had read it, they would know that it doesn't say that people get to Heaven by keeping rules."

This ariticle is quite cynical, but I do like this part. Praise God -- Jesus is all my righteousness.
Hmmmm did not see that line in there.
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Old 11-18-2008, 08:47 AM
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
Hmmmm did not see that line in there.
The last part is mine.
If ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins. John 8:24

Mone me, amabo te, si erro

No real problem exists over the use of "The Name" in everthing else done in the Church. Why then should there exist great controversy over the use of the "The Name of the Godhead" in water baptism?
Kevin J. Conner The Name of God p. 92
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:01 AM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
If one believes that a person can be saved in any other way other than the FULL three steps of Acts 2:38 they are not three steppers. A three stepper demands that Acts 2:38 be obeyed in Oneness Pentecostal fashion as taught by UPCI.

If you believe there MAY be, COULD be, or MIGHT be exceptions...such as Martin Luther...you're not a genuine three stepper. Plain and simple.

I'm willing to wager...that the vast majority are not three steppers. Even some self proclaimed three steppers appear to ALLOW for one to be saved by God's sovereign grace with only one step. That's essentially proving the strength of the one stepper position.
No it does not prove anything. It simply shows the nature of man not wanting to condemn anyone and show mercy. It has nothing to do with negating ones belief but more of hope that God will some way have away. The one step position is very weak. Also the 1 step position is not really one step. As many believe repentance is not necessary but one is saved by simple faith apart from repentance. 1) Faith 2) Repentance 3) Baptism 4)HS 5)Faithfulness
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:19 AM
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 View Post
No it does not prove anything. It simply shows the nature of man not wanting to condemn anyone and show mercy. It has nothing to do with negating ones belief but more of hope that God will some way have away. The one step position is very weak. Also the 1 step position is not really one step. As many believe repentance is not necessary but one is saved by simple faith apart from repentance. 1) Faith 2) Repentance 3) Baptism 4)HS 5)Faithfulness
I will take issue with your statement. The faith towards God is a turning towards God that is done in the believers heart by the work of the Holy Spirit. If one turns from his/her path towards God, is this not repentance? As the prophet wrote, can any two walk togther if they do not agree?

The one step position is much more tenable. Look at Paul's description of Abraham's justification before circumcision. Is not water baptism in the NT what circumcision was in the OT?

All of this aside, there is nothing like the name of the LORD. And who would not want to take on his name in baptism. Also, who would not wan the very Creator's Spirit filling him/her completely?

All the one-steppers that I know make just as much push towards the completion of Acts 2:38. However, they are unwilling to speak against Paul's testimony in Romans (and other writers).
If ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins. John 8:24

Mone me, amabo te, si erro

No real problem exists over the use of "The Name" in everthing else done in the Church. Why then should there exist great controversy over the use of the "The Name of the Godhead" in water baptism?
Kevin J. Conner The Name of God p. 92
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:21 AM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by bkstokes View Post
I will take issue with your statement. The faith towards God is a turning towards God that is done in the believers heart by the work of the Holy Spirit. If one turns from his/her path towards God, is this not repentance? As the prophet wrote, can any two walk togther if they do not agree?

The one step position is much more tenable. Look at Paul's description of Abraham's justification before circumcision. Is not water baptism in the NT what circumcision was in the OT?

All of this aside, there is nothing like the name of the LORD. And who would not want to take on his name in baptism. Also, who would not wan the very Creator's Spirit filling him/her completely?

All the one-steppers that I know make just as much push towards the completion of Acts 2:38. However, they are unwilling to speak against Paul's testimony in Romans (and other writers).

I would not disagree. My point though is that there are OTHERS that don't agree with that. See your are proving a theological point but your point really doesn't matter because it does not destroy the point of "what others teach" that they do make a distinction, right or wrong.
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:56 AM
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 View Post
I would not disagree. My point though is that there are OTHERS that don't agree with that. See your are proving a theological point but your point really doesn't matter because it does not destroy the point of "what others teach" that they do make a distinction, right or wrong.
Would you please clarify last statement?
If ye believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins. John 8:24

Mone me, amabo te, si erro

No real problem exists over the use of "The Name" in everthing else done in the Church. Why then should there exist great controversy over the use of the "The Name of the Godhead" in water baptism?
Kevin J. Conner The Name of God p. 92
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Old 11-18-2008, 10:02 AM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by bkstokes View Post
Would you please clarify last statement?
MY point was that it doesn't matter what our opinion is on this. As many baptists teach that one is saved before repentance and it's not necessary but is something we will do. Thus what I said still stands Faith is taught seperate from repentance. Would I agree? No! To me and I believe what I have clearly stated on this forum, is that Faith is a proper response to God in all things not just one thing. Thus faith is "to do" or "works"! Again, it doesn't matter what I say but that many do believe they are seperate.
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Old 11-18-2008, 11:17 AM
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by Shawn View Post
I belive in the 3 steps, but I have a question.

How many on here have followed Acts 2:38, but believe in the one step process? just curious and wondering what influenced their decision.
This would be me.

Scripture interprets scripture, correct?

The Book of Romans and the Book of Galatians, the Samaritans, Phillipine jailer and the Ethiopian eunuch all seal the deal for me.

However, the seeds of doubt were sown when I started to question the "salvific value" of the standards my brothers and sisters were following. I questioned their emphasis on them. I questioned why in a town with 6 or 7 Apostolic churches, I was told not to visit any of the other churches because they weren't really saved.

I questioned why a lady who lives in a Malaysian jungle would be so concerned, borderline broken hearted, because she didn't think her American made skirt was long enough. I questioned why the Malaysian men felt compelled to wear long sleeved shirts in the 120 degree heat of the Malaysian jungle.

My answer: BAD RELIGION. Rotten, stinking, true Gospel inhibiting BAD RELIGION that even I had once followed.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
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Old 11-18-2008, 11:34 AM
aak1972 aak1972 is offline

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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
This would be me.

Scripture interprets scripture, correct?

The Book of Romans and the Book of Galatians, the Samaritans, Phillipine jailer and the Ethiopian eunuch all seal the deal for me.

However, the seeds of doubt were sown when I started to question the "salvific value" of the standards my brothers and sisters were following. I questioned their emphasis on them. I questioned why in a town with 6 or 7 Apostolic churches, I was told not to visit any of the other churches because they weren't really saved.

I questioned why a lady who lives in a Malaysian jungle would be so concerned, borderline broken hearted, because she didn't think her American made skirt was long enough. I questioned why the Malaysian men felt compelled to wear long sleeved shirts in the 120 degree heat of the Malaysian jungle.

My answer: BAD RELIGION. Rotten, stinking, true Gospel inhibiting BAD RELIGION that even I had once followed.
This has always been my question on the dress standard or code. If the people in the third world countries have to adhere to these standards they dont have a chance. And when questioning this I have never got an answer!
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Old 11-18-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: What are you? One stepper or Three stepper

Originally Posted by Antipas View Post
A three stepper believes that all three steps are an absolute MUST for salvation. No exceptions to the rule. I know, I was first saved in a solid three stepper church. No allowance for ANYTHING outside of FULL Acts 2:38 salvation.

However, if you feel that all three steps are expected of the believer, but that God CAN and perhaps HAS saved people after sincerely repenting....then you are essentially a one stepper, meaning one step is all that is absolutely necessary for God to save according to his sovereign grace and mercy.

You can't have it both ways.
No exceptions to the rule?
And who makes the rule, brother? You?
Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
If one believes that a person can be saved in any other way other than the FULL three steps of Acts 2:38 they are not three steppers. A three stepper demands that Acts 2:38 be obeyed in Oneness Pentecostal fashion as taught by UPCI.

If you believe there MAY be, COULD be, or MIGHT be exceptions...such as Martin Luther...you're not a genuine three stepper. Plain and simple.
(They are not 3-steppers because you say so?)

Dear Antipas, Dear Aquila:
It's not for you to speak for all 3-steppers, neither do you get to define who is a 3-stepper or not. Maybe it's best for you to let people define themselves on this issue, instead of you trying to define them based on your perception.

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 View Post
No it does not prove anything. It simply shows the nature of man not wanting to condemn anyone and show mercy. It has nothing to do with negating ones belief but more of hope that God will some way have away. The one step position is very weak.
Well said.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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