People, the biggest decision the next president will make is the appointment of one, possibly two supreme court justices. McCain is not a true conservative and I disagree with him on many issues. However, he has stood strong against abortion and will appoint strong conservative justices in the order of Scalia and Roberts.
This issue alone should make you go out in November, hold your nose and pull the lever for John McCain.
McCain could appoint a conservative justice in the order of Scalia and Roberts and guess what….nothing’s going to change in regards to abortion. But I assure you that corporate power will increase. Someday corporations might get the right to fire you if you place a political yard sign in your yard that they don’t like. They already have the right to fire employees for smoking in their own homes. If I worked for one of those companies…I’d buy a nice pipe and some mild cherry tobacco and then relax with a fine smoke on Friday nights after dinner. LOL
Study up on "corporate personhood" and how corporations are pressing to have more rights than you and I do.
Aw, Ferd, you know I don’t eat canaries…especially when I routinely eat your lunch.
Actually under Obama’s plan the average American paying out $700 in hidden taxes (i.e. inflated health care costs) could find them selves only paying $400 to $500 less than they’re paying now.
There’s no freedom in free trade unless it’s fair. Ask American workers loosing their jobs as factories move to Mexico and manufacturing moves to China.
The “government health care” isn’t “government” at all. It’s through private insurers and Americans can opt into plans like those held by our elected officials. The only mandate is that all must be covered. If you’re an employer you have a choice; you can continue to insure employees in the plans you offer now…or you can choose not to insure employees but pay into the insurance system that will insure your employees…whichever will be cheapest for you. The mandate is to make sure that all Americans are covered because we’re tired of paying for LAZY bums who don’t have health insurance and don’t pay their bills and thereby drive our premiums higher and higher each year. No free rides anymore. Everyone pays into the system and everyone receives coverage.
I don’t think so. I think the people have tried the free market approach and more and more are loosing their insurance due to ever rising costs (wages don’t change to match cost of living anymore) while insurance companies make out like bandits. It’s like eating a restaurant and they charge your credit card to pay for nearly 30% of the other patrons. So you call the police (the government) and demand that everyone pays their own bills. No free rides. Time for everyone to pay into the system.
What does your Lortab prescription cost? Because nothing you mentioned is “communist”.
shorty, the only people here that think you have eaten my lunch are Chris Hall, Antipas and Grasshopper.
which reminds me of my favorite poem
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m schizophrenic
And so am I
And so am I
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
McCain could appoint a conservative justice in the order of Scalia and Roberts and guess what….nothing’s going to change in regards to abortion. But I assure you that corporate power will increase. Someday corporations might get the right to fire you if you place a political yard sign in your yard that they don’t like. They already have the right to fire employees for smoking in their own homes. If I worked for one of those companies…I’d buy a nice pipe and some mild cherry tobacco and relax with a fine smoke on Friday nights after dinner. LOL
Study up on "corporate personhood" and how corporations are pressing to have more rights than you and I do.
I think abortion is a moral issue that the courts cannot - ever - resolve.
Romney Forms 'Free and Strong America PAC' To Help Elect Conservative Republicans
Free and Strong America PAC will support officeholders and candidates who are dedicated to advancing social, fiscal and foreign policies that will strengthen America at this critical time in the nation’s history. The guiding focus will be on the core principles that have built and nurtured America since its founding – uncompromised military strength, a belief in the power of free markets and that a competitive America is one where taxes are low and government is small, an emphasis on strong families and a federalist approach to government that leaves decision-making as close to the people as possible.
McCain could appoint a conservative justice in the order of Scalia and Roberts and guess what….nothing’s going to change in regards to abortion. But I assure you that corporate power will increase. Someday corporations might get the right to fire you if you place a political yard sign in your yard that they don’t like. They already have the right to fire employees for smoking in their own homes. If I worked for one of those companies…I’d buy a nice pipe and some mild cherry tobacco and then relax with a fine smoke on Friday nights after dinner. LOL
Study up on "corporate personhood" and how corporations are pressing to have more rights than you and I do.
smoking is a sin dude, didnt you say harming your body is a sin, and besides there are times i wonder what you are smoking, lol
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
McCain could appoint a conservative justice in the order of Scalia and Roberts and guess what….nothing’s going to change in regards to abortion. But I assure you that corporate power will increase. Someday corporations might get the right to fire you if you place a political yard sign in your yard that they don’t like. They already have the right to fire employees for smoking in their own homes. If I worked for one of those companies…I’d buy a nice pipe and some mild cherry tobacco and then relax with a fine smoke on Friday nights after dinner. LOL
Study up on "corporate personhood" and how corporations are pressing to have more rights than you and I do.
Why wait to go to work for one of those companies? If the prince of preachers was still around he might join you with a cigar.