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Old 02-23-2008, 10:05 AM
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Great Job!!! Proud Of You!
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Old 02-23-2008, 10:22 AM
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Thanks to everyone for the kind comments.

Brat got her wish and what she hoped would happen, did.

Great job! I know there was alot of hard work in your accomplishment.
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Old 02-23-2008, 11:39 AM
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Understand a few things.

1. I had gastric bypass surgery in July 2006.

2. My belly was never my god.

3. Being overweight doesn't make someone a bad person.

4. Understand that we cannot judge someone by their size.
Exactly. Thanks for saying that... I probably wouldn't have been quite as nice with what was going through my mind! Just because a person is overweight, people want to pass judgement on how they got that way. For me, it's been a battle with a medical condition for most of my life. It took 18 YEARS for me to find a medical professional that cared enough to find the root of the problem, and help find something that's working to cure it. I've dropped 2 skirt sizes in two months. I think that's pretty good considering how long this medical problem has ruled my life. I thank God every day for this nurse practioner... and one day, I will look like you do. Joy, you look GREAT!! I am very proud of you!!!

Originally Posted by Ronzo View Post
I'm proud of you, H1!
You're an inspiration!

I hope to join you there in less than two years.

I joined WW the other day and have lost four pounds in less than a week.
I think we need to set up a weightloss support group.

Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
First I want to say: "WAY TO GO!!!!!"

Second I want to remark about you having bypass.

Even though you had bypass you still had to change your eating habits after the procedure to make it a success. I know a person who had the bypass and did not change her eating habits and had temporary success. She is quickly getting her weight gain back. so again I say......"WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!"
I know four people who had this same surgery. None of them followed the rules or disciplined themselves to keep the weight off... they are all at least as heavy or heavier than they were before the surgery.
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Old 02-23-2008, 12:18 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post

I can understand your desire to have some surgery now to get rid of all that excess skin.....that'd be another 20 or so pounds probably!

Way to go!
I'm hoping to have that done by the end of the year. I have plans to contact some big names in the entertainment industry (no, not Vicki...LOL!) that hopefully will help me get it paid for.

Another thing...I have back pain and when I mentioned this to the NP this week, she said to get it documented with my doc for insurance purposes also. I will do that as well.
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Old 02-23-2008, 12:19 PM
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
I'm hoping to have that done by the end of the year. I have plans to contact some big names in the entertainment industry (no, not Vicki...LOL!) that hopefully will help me get it paid for.

Another thing...I have back pain and when I mentioned this to the NP this week, she said to get it documented with my doc for insurance purposes also. I will do that as well.
Put your new picture in your avatar!!!!!! Yea, we want to talk about your magic hair!!!!!

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Old 02-23-2008, 12:20 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by Ronzo View Post
I'm proud of you, H1!
You're an inspiration!

I hope to join you there in less than two years.

I joined WW the other day and have lost four pounds in less than a week.
Ron, a BIG congrats to you!! And you can do this. I will be your biggest cheerleader in the fight as well.

You are a terrific guy no matter what.
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Old 02-23-2008, 12:22 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
First I want to say: "WAY TO GO!!!!!"

Second I want to remark about you having bypass.

Even though you had bypass you still had to change your eating habits after the procedure to make it a success. I know a person who had the bypass and did not change her eating habits and had temporary success. She is quickly getting her weight gain back. so again I say......"WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!"
I know people who have also had this done that went back to their eating habits and gained it back also. I don't want to be one of those people, and I weigh myself three times a week to keep myself in check. I weighed this morning and have lost another pound since last week.

I don't need to lose more weight, but to maintain, however, since I also need to tone up muscle mass that was also lost, I'll gain weight when that happens, and right now I have about 6 pounds to 'play with'.
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Old 02-23-2008, 12:27 PM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
SooooooooooooooooOOOOOOooooo...H1 has a GREAT set of before/after pics showing her weight loss--She has done a fantastic job, and it wasn't just surgery--it was HARD work! I'm so proud of my friend!

Please post the pics, H1!!!! Please, please, please???????
I agree...she's done a great job, I'm proud of her!
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Old 02-23-2008, 12:32 PM
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by CareyM View Post
I agree...she's done a great job, I'm proud of her!
Yes, she needs to post the new avatar!!!

Yes, Yes!!!

GO, GO, GO!!!!




Did that sound like Santa, or what?

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Old 02-23-2008, 12:34 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Heavenly One - Before & After!

Originally Posted by bethola View Post
I'm sooo glad you posted this. In 2001 I lost 86 lbs. (okay took me until 2003) but, I lost it. I didn't have surgery. BUT, people honestly didn't recognize me! I bet you have the same reaction from some. Anyway, I HATED when people said "Don't you feel better about yourself?" Know what I replied? "No, I felt good about myself when I was large. Did YOU feel differently about me?"

I know, I know, that was tacky. But, honestly, I was no different 86 lbs. heavier. I mean even health wise. One of my peers told me that I was "digustingly healthy" for someone that was so overweight. I'm only 5'1"....I was medically considered morbidly obese. But, I had decided that to avoid potential problems I should begin to be a healthy eater and UGH!!! EXERCISE!!!

So, CONGRATS H O to your choice of a healthier lifestyle! I'm with you girl!

Beth, I was just talking to a nurse I used to work with who was a size or two smaller than I was when we worked together (I had the surgery a couple months after she left the job) and she hasn't seen me in over a year.

She is a beautiful person and takes pride in her appearance despite her size--something I never could do when I was that big. But I was a happy person....not happy about my size, but I wasn't depressed or anything, if you know what I mean.

I, too, was 'disgustingly healthy', having no problems but just being so fat. But it was only a matter of time, really.

I told my nurse friend that my goal is to be an inspiration to others. I believe that will be part of the key to my continued success as well. I'm also thinking of starting or heading a support group for overweight people whether they are dieting, having surgery, or planning on doing either one.

I also want to be careful that I don't ever get self-righteous. I mean, there is only one thing worse than a non-smoker and that's an ex-smoker...if you see my point. I don't want to project that because I'm successful, others should be just as successful.

I can still fail. I'm not even at the two-year mark yet. Most people who regain start at about the three year mark, so I have a while to go. But I want to help others achieve their goals...and if they don't, I want to be there for them all the same. We are all still human regardless of what we look like on the outside.

I had wonderful skinny friends (still do....LOL) who never judged me nor excluded me from events. I have overweight friends but I don't judge them for not trying to lose weight or act any differently toward them than I always have. We are friends!!

I'm also careful not to encourage people to have surgery. This isn't for everyone. This is an extreme lifestyle change that has the potential for hazardous side effects that I've thankfully never had. I wish I could have done it the 'easy way'.....LOL! Ok, dieting isn't easy.......but I've been accused of taking the easy way out, can you believe that??

Anyway, thanks to all for the comments and support. Posting these pics was a big step for me.
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