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Old 01-18-2008, 12:51 PM
gaaspul gaaspul is offline
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Terry Stewart's pretty good on the drums too...

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Old 04-21-2008, 11:51 PM
Scooter Scooter is offline
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Re: Pentecostal Soundmen

Brian Allard Is The Best Soundman Ever! Period!
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Old 04-22-2008, 07:16 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Re: Pentecostal Soundmen

I left the board one time to go pray at the altar and let me tell you the unholy hades fire I got from the platform because someone or another needed more volume or effects in order for the Holy Ghost to move...imagine that!

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Old 05-29-2008, 11:57 AM

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I read this and said, what is wrong with this picture? well i see alot of complaining about soundmen, with not knowledge of sound or its equipment.

Most soundmen are not so bad, we have deal with things such as vocalists who cannot project their voice into the microphone and / or they hold the microphone to far away from their mouth and then they want more monitor, this causes that infamous low hum, its called feed back, the microphone is picking up the monitors more than the voice.

Then you have that preacher who cannot hold the microphone close enough to his mouth when he is preaching not so loud, causes the same effect, then when they get real loud they put the microphone down their throats causing distortion

Why is this? this is because most people on the platform do not undertsand sound, then we have this other condition in the churches which is small platforms or platforms to close to the congregation. when the worship starts and people start praising the sound usually washes over the monitors, then you get these vacalists whom panic and try to force their voice into the microphone thinking it is going to make the monitors louder, all that does is kick the compressor in more, which is a lovely machine that keeps the volume at e certain level or keeps the high down so you can turn up the volume to pick up the lows noises better, but this creates a problem as such the machine will squash that loudness down or the vocalist voice starts to distort.

And this gets better you see then you have the piano or organ player that cannot hear anything and turns the piano up full blast and that distorts through the system and washes over the monitors on the platform.

So you see it is not just the sound mans fualt, there are other problems such as church budgets , and church secretaries whom think they know more than the sound man and they go cheap on the system which is where you get the crackles and the popping sounds is from either cheap or worn out cabling. or even they make a sound man purchase cheap microphones, cheap speakers. cheap amps, cheap sound board, cheap cabling and cheap wireless mics, Etc. you shouldn't go cheap on the house of God in the first place.

Also you have most people in general whom do not know mic edicate and are either to far ( causes feed back) or to close ( causes distortion) Most soundmen will turn down the ones that cannot hold a mic close to their mouths, this problem the vocalist does not understand nor will listen to the sound man/ woman and as such this causes feedback and the only way to get rid of feedback is to turn the volume down first the try to eq it out. which usualy fixes the problem, but these vocalists or musicians get offended at the sound man and think he is being carnal.

Then you have the preacher or vocalist that wants to roam with the mics and they either get to close to a speaker or monitor, these people have no isea about electro magnets nor polarity of said such and that causes feed back which the sound mans only recourse is to turn it down on the monitor first then the mains, Live sound is difficult enough and then add the human factor.

and then those that do not pray, that another problem before a service most musicians and singers or soundmen/ women do not pray before a service and this is a problem in pentecost.

So folks before we bash the soundmen/ women lets try to remember one thing, what can we do to make the soundmans/ womans job easier.

That my tens bucks worth
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Old 06-01-2008, 11:35 PM

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Re: Pentecostal Soundmen

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
I left the board one time to go pray at the altar and let me tell you the unholy hades fire I got from the platform because someone or another needed more volume or effects in order for the Holy Ghost to move...imagine that!

I have been through that alot, i told Pastor about it one day and he said " don't worry bout it just go and pray" so i just leave the musicians on with what ever they had on when i got up, and if they do not like it i cannot help that, my soul is worth more than the Job in the church

In Christ

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Old 06-21-2008, 11:09 AM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Re: Pentecostal Soundmen

Blah blah blah...

I just got sick of seeing the gay upc minister on the preview page...

Carry on.
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Old 06-21-2008, 12:30 PM
Blaylock Blaylock is offline
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Re: Pentecostal Soundmen

I had the absolute pleasure of taking a few lessons from Brian Hill back in the days at IBC. He is one of the most under appreciated bass players in Pentecost. The man is a beast on the bass and on the football field.
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Old 06-21-2008, 12:32 PM
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Re: Pentecostal Soundmen

Tim Newstrand is da man!
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."

- Groucho Marx
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Old 06-22-2008, 08:30 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Re: Pentecostal Soundmen

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
Blah blah blah...

I just got sick of seeing the gay upc minister on the preview page...

Carry on.
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Old 01-08-2011, 05:22 PM
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Re: Pentecostal Soundmen

Originally Posted by Monkeyman View Post
The answer is to get an Aviom system with wireless headsets and let the platform folk mix themselves. Each person has a 12 channel mix. I am still trying to convince my music pastor of this, lol!

This way, you get no monitor volume at all. You will have to get "butt-kickers" for your drummer and bass player.

We've had the Aviom system in our church now for 7 years. It was the best investment we had ever made. It completely changed the sound as a whole in our, at the time, new sanctuary.
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