Now that I have caught up to what was discussed over the weekend
For the record, tithes and sacrificial giving I believe are two different things. Both were practiced in the OT.
In regards to sacrificial giving it was up to the individual how much and how often they gave "unto the Lord". If the spirit led them, they gave. I don't believe you should be pressured into paying a church light bill, a pastor's salary, a church mortgage or whatever just because you attend a church. You first duty is to your own house (
I Tim. 5:8 &
I Tim. 3:5).
I truly believe in giving but I believe in giving cheerfully, not of necessity. Also I believe your giving does not have to be with money. If you spend your weekend cleaning the church, cutting the glass, etc, That should be considered sacrificial giving also.
For you pro-tithes people, if a member does not have their tithes this month, can they pay it by cutting the grass or something else?