Okay, but I dress them up a little...I don't use the seasoning packet (it gives me a headache--probably msg). You drain the noodles, toss them with a Tbs. of butter (or olive oil), salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, thyme, garlic powder, and 1/2 c. chicken breast cubes.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
I know solid conservatives that will vote for him in the primaries and in the general election to try to ensure that neither McCain nor Hillary (a womanizing basket case, yes McCain slept around on his wife of 14 years and then filed for a divorce) have a chance at the White House.
I daresay you DON'T know solid conservatives. At all. If you have bumped into any, you haven't listened long enough to aborb anything substantial.
Originally Posted by ChristopherHall
The most relevant points of “democratism” are relative. For example I agree with Democrats on economics and health care. I strongly disagree with them on abortion; I’d like to see more restrictions. When it comes to international relations I don’t agree completely with either party. Often the Democrats (post 9-11) seem to be weak. But the Republicans are foolhardy and fail to properly use diplomacy or recognize valuable treaties.
I’m not a die hard supporter of the fairness doctrine. I do think there could be more balance on radio however. But I think you said something that caused me to really reconsider the fairness doctrine. You pointed out that for the most part conservative media is limited to radio and Fox News. You also pointed out that you felt the individual had all they needed to choose their source of news for themselves. While I question the benefit of choosing one’s own facts….I understand what you’re saying.
Do you understand that interviewers from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN won't call "liberal" candidates on their outlandish assertions, statistical inaccuracies, and bald-faced lies? There is no push back. The interviewer simply smiles and lets the lie stand. Choosing facts is one thing, but broadcasting lies and inaccuracies is another alltogether.
Conservatives don't get such favorable treatment, not even on conservative talk radio. Conservatives get nailed by fact-checkers for even exaggerations. It isn't that ABC, etcetera, don't have fact checkers, but they don't use fact checkers on the candidates they are not-so-secretly promoting.
I think you’re struggling with the complexity of this situation.
EVERYBODY is struggling with the complexity of the situation!
Why do you feel our Founding Fathers (namely: George Washington, Benjamin Rush, Noah Webster, Robert Coram and Thomas Jefferson) believed in a national publicly funded educational system overseen by the government? According to you anyone advocating such government involvement would be a Communist. Were these men Communists?
Ooooh. You didn't really go there, did you? Government education is an unmitigated disaster and is the poster child for those of us against government health insurance and government health care.
In my opinion only health insurance should be managed by the government. I whole heartedly believe doctors, clinics, hospitals, and specialists should be private institutions. If al Queda was killing 18,000 Americans a year we’d want the government to step in. However, private insurance companies are refusing to cover procedures that may save the lives of these individuals though they apply and plead for coverage. Therefore I see blood on the industry’s hands. When a young woman needs a liver transplant and the hospital has received a matching liver and her insurance company denies coverage for the transplant to protect their profit margin…only to finally reverse itself days before she dies…there’s something terribly wrong with the system.
Since it is self-evident that all major policy decisions should be made based on anecdotal evidence, here is why socialized medicine will make a bad situation worse:
In the spirit of full disclosure, I do not pay taxes, (I'm 100% Disabled Veteran with my disability pension,) and am no economist.
That said, I will not get into the tax issue.
But health care...
Anyone remember the week of ardent speeches of outrage at the conditions in the back-side barracks at Walter Reed? How about the years long fight the Vietnam Vets had to wage to get the complications from Agent Orange recognized and treated by the government? Or how the Vets returning from the first Gulf War had to fight for years to have the government recognize that the complications from Gulf War Syndrome were not simply imaginary, or worse from some in Washington and the Veteran's and military health care system, (the beaurocrats, not the actual doctors, nurses, and techs who deal with the vets,) that it was some vast conspiracy by Veterans of that conflict to they'd all somehow made up just to get undeserved care and/or benefits?
(Hint: Google "acinetobacter" to see what neat little bacteria has been raging through our military hospitals, and is now hitting the VA and civilian medical system, and how the government is keeping very, very quiet about it.)
I just got home from a four month stay in the local VA hospital, (San Juan, Puerto Rico,) where I entered for required surgery to close a bedsore that refuses to heal. I went in healthy except for this open wound, (down to exposed bone,) and immediately contracted the first of several systemic infections, (including the above mentioned "acinetobacter",) only to have the surgeon, (who, due rules created by the local hospital administration, is the ONLY doctor allowed to operate on these bedsores on spinal cord injured vets, and is an OUTSIDE surgeon contracted from his private practice to do so on ONE day each week at the busiest VA hospital in the system, and who canceled my surgery at literally the last minute because I dared to demand that he spend a few minutes to explain to me just what he was going to be doing in this surgery,) and am thus in the process of packing up to move back to my home state of New Mexico, and the VA Spinal Cord Injury center there, to get this surgery performed.
The Veteran's Administration health care, (this IS Government health care,) is the ONLY place I've ever heard of where a pharmacist can change a doctor's prescription to an alternate, (not a generic, but a different,) medication based on their opinion of what is best for patients they've never even laid eyes on, where administrators with absolutely NO medical experience can override doctor's and therapist's orders for certain prosthetics based on thier opinions that it's not REALLY needed by the patient, again without ever laying eyes on the patient, and where doctors have to, at times, lie about their patients condition in order to get them the necessary medications, supplies, and prosthetics in order for their patients to receive that which they require.
The problems at Walter Reed are not isolated, and have not been solved with a few coats of paint and some new flooring. It is systemic throughout the government run Veteran's Administration and Military health care system, and covered up by rules to discourage evidence of it leaking out, such as no pictures being allowed to be taken in the hospital, (for example of the cockroaches that would occasionally stroll across one of my meals,) and unspoken of punishments for whistleblowers, (such as suddenly finding appointments difficult or impossible to make, finding that chronic problems are suddenly and mysteriously no longer going to receive treatment, etc.)
As a political Moderate/Conservative, neither Hillary nor Obama appeal to me, but Hillary's plan would obligate ALL American's to sign up for government health care to one degree or another, with who knows what rules applying, (can you choose your own doctor, get a second opinion, or refuse treatment you know is doing more harm than good without risking future coverage for that health problem?,) which is a totalitarian approach denying American's some of their most fundamental freedoms. Obama's is pretty much the same, with the very notable and critical exception that one is free to choose whether to participate or not.
But the bottom line comes down to, once again, the Democratic candidates trying to force government run programs down the throats of Americans, where history has proven time and again that the private sector can provide far better quality at a lower overall cost with much better efficiency, and painting such totalitarian measures up with pretty rhetoric to make the gullible believe that it is in the best interest of themselves and the country to approve such policies.
If you want to see what Government run health care looks like, all you need do is visit your local VA/Military hospital, and get away from the areas easily available to the public, and onto the wards and regular wards, (as opposed to those for public display at, for example, Walter Reed,) and talk to the patients.
I will not promote any candidate in this election, as all have their glaring weaknesses, but encourage all to put in a little research before jumping on any "the government will provide you with ..." rhetoric to see just what kind of deal you're really signing up for.
Posted by: Dave
Engineering solutions for theological problems.
Despite today's rising cost of living, it remains popular.
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Sir Winston Churchill
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." - Benjamin Franklin
I daresay you DON'T know solid conservatives. At all. If you have bumped into any, you haven't listened long enough to aborb anything substantial.
Do you understand that interviewers from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN won't call "liberal" candidates on their outlandish assertions, statistical inaccuracies, and bald-faced lies? There is no push back. The interviewer simply smiles and lets the lie stand. Choosing facts is one thing, but broadcasting lies and inaccuracies is another alltogether.
Conservatives don't get such favorable treatment, not even on conservative talk radio. Conservatives get nailed by fact-checkers for even exaggerations. It isn't that ABC, etcetera, don't have fact checkers, but they don't use fact checkers on the candidates they are not-so-secretly promoting.
EVERYBODY is struggling with the complexity of the situation!
Ooooh. You didn't really go there, did you? Government education is an unmitigated disaster and is the poster child for those of us against government health insurance and government health care.
Since it is self-evident that all major policy decisions should be made based on anecdotal evidence, here is why socialized medicine will make a bad situation worse:
As with any good joke, a kernal of truth is required. In this case, it was both a VERY FUNNY comment, and I dare say there was more than a little truth to boot!
GREAT job OPCarl!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!