thanks P.M. for supplying how BOOMM's words revealed bitterness to your hearing/reading. Here is my break-out of the post:
I was sent your post and it was dead on.
Here BOOMM is affirming the setting/atmosphere that Mark constructed with his opening post.
Bitterness meter -----0
Too hard to keep answering questions on WHY we were on AFF than simply don't go back.
Here BOOMM is indicating why returning to AFF to explain things does not have a value-added outcome in his personal assessment of the AFF dynamic.
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Now I am told Renda even blesses blasting - something always spoken against.
Here BOOMM is commenting on something he was told (conjecture), but its relevance to him seems to be in that it [blasting] was always, vigilantly opposed with earlier Mod/Admin sessions.
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Seems only the Pastor and a Conservative at heart at open territory.
Upon re-reading this several times, I am going to assume that he is saying that ‘bashing/blasting’ is strictly prohibited UNLESS it is directed toward a Pastor or a Con. That is his current assessment of a style of engagement. Does expressing this viewpoint demonstrate proof to you [Pianoman] of bitterness being resident?
Bitterness meter -----?
One person said they post many times, delete it and realize it was not worth even typing in the first place.
Absolutely nothing here but sharing anecdotal perspective
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I don't miss it at all. Since I paid most of the hosting this year, I should have removed it.
This is an expression of his own personal regret that his own finances have supported the costs of AFF web presence this year.
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So, if someone can read an opposing opinion and hear "wreaked of bitterness" it seems like it should be plainly obvious,
or else maybe ....bitterness is in the heart of the beholder