Originally Posted by LadyRev
OH BOY! I'm in the mood for a good rumble er I mean discussion today so I'll slap the spoon in the ole pot and give it a good stir...
Ultimate responsibility for this fiasco falls on the husband unless Paula was fooling around on him.
That part in the marriage vows about "for better or for worse" applies to the husband just as much as the wife. Therefore, unless she was fooling around on him, it is his responsibility, as the HUSBAND to do whatever it takes to keep the marriage together...that includes denying his own flesh under ANY circumstances other than unfaithfulness of his spouse.
Just as Adam carries the blame for sin entering the world, so Randy carries the blame for this.
Too many husbands want their cake and want to eat it too. Either you are the HEAD or you aren't. Either you are the leader or you aren't. You can't pick and choose your scenarios unless you remain SINGLE.
Let the fireworks fire.
Yes...Men are ignorant savages who exploit these poor women and are completely at fault... I see what your saying...
I do not disagree what Adam did was stupid...but sex is a powerful tool in any woman's arsenal.... and yes I do agree that men are responsible for allowing the weaker sex to fall into diverse temptations... Adam probably should have turned her over to the snake....but somehow I wonder if Adams weak moment was pivotal for God's Mercies and Redemption of us to be brought about...
makes me think of "why" that Tree was in the Garden in the first place