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Old 08-19-2007, 08:17 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
LS, you have an excellent spirit!

As someone else mentioned in this thread, this couple's spirit had effected their core beliefs long before it was manifested. I'm like Felicity in that I can't stand folks who enjoy flaunting their freedom in front of conservative folks!

Probably the most profound statement on the entire thread...but like Peter saying "all flesh" in Acts 2, you might not even be aware of the total implications of the statement.
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Old 08-19-2007, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
Probably the most profound statement on the entire thread...but like Peter saying "all flesh" in Acts 2, you might not even be aware of the total implications of the statement.
Thanks......I think!
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Old 08-19-2007, 09:11 AM
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I agree. Why on purpose hurt someone else?
After all there is a time and a place EVEN to say we were WRONG or RIGHT about something.
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Old 08-19-2007, 10:46 AM
Truly Blessed Truly Blessed is offline
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Regardless whether someone believes outward dress, jewelry, makeup, etc. are holiness issues or not, the attitude and spirit of a person is a holiness issue. What this pastor and his wife did were symptoms of serious heart issues, and not the real problem. Sounds to me as if this was a couple who have been deeply hurt somewhere in their past and somewhat disillusioned, needing someone who can bring a balanced perspective into their lives.
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Old 08-19-2007, 11:09 AM
Brother Strange

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Originally Posted by Truly Blessed View Post
Regardless whether someone believes outward dress, jewelry, makeup, etc. are holiness issues or not, the attitude and spirit of a person is a holiness issue. What this pastor and his wife did were symptoms of serious heart issues, and not the real problem. Sounds to me as if this was a couple who have been deeply hurt somewhere in their past and somewhat disillusioned, needing someone who can bring a balanced perspective into their lives.
Right on target bro. Dave. Seems like Deb is doing a good job with you.

But wait! We can't remove the accent and total emphasis on the outside appearance. That would remove an awful lot of "preaching material." Might even have to preach the "cross" in dealing with these matters. Of all things!

When someone is demostrating such behavior, it is symtomatic of a spiritual need expressed with attention getting capers. Often it is hurt with not enough maturity to know what to do about it. When they see Jesus in the preaching of the cross, it is likely that they will be melted by the love of him who suffered far more hurt long before they suffered any hurt at all.

But leave it up to some of our Bretheren. They'll take care of it in short order. We have tossed far too many to the potter's heap with little to no potter's craftmanship, finding too much fault with the clay from the start.

It has been said, "Love covers a multitude of sin." Oh yeah? Since when?
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Old 08-19-2007, 09:38 PM
LadyCoonskinner LadyCoonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by Truly Blessed View Post
Regardless whether someone believes outward dress, jewelry, makeup, etc. are holiness issues or not, the attitude and spirit of a person is a holiness issue. What this pastor and his wife did were symptoms of serious heart issues, and not the real problem. Sounds to me as if this was a couple who have been deeply hurt somewhere in their past and somewhat disillusioned, needing someone who can bring a balanced perspective into their lives.
Exactly!!! If the inside is all messed up, what's on the outside isn't near as important. We don't need to throw it all away, but we need to be sensitive and go the extra mile to help and be an encouragement to disillusioned ones and be there for them and be an example of what God can help you become. This is not a lib or a con statement, it is meant to be mean, that you can be a "friend", a "brother or a sister", a "confidante" or whatever they need you to be.

Dave you are right, Holiness begins in the heart. Part of being "Holy" is "having" a right attitude and "keeping" a right spirit. You can't be holy and be "ugly" at the same time.

We all need balance. I need those who don't see things as "conservative" as I do and I need those folks who see thing more "liberal" than I do. I'd like to see the day come when we can forget the labels and just be Christians and do what Jesus told us to do......go win the world!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-19-2007, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by LadyCoonskinner View Post
Exactly!!! If the inside is all messed up, what's on the outside isn't near as important. We don't need to throw it all away, but we need to be sensitive and go the extra mile to help and be an encouragement to disillusioned ones and be there for them and be an example of what God can help you become. This is not a lib or a con statement, it is meant to be mean, that you can be a "friend", a "brother or a sister", a "confidante" or whatever they need you to be.

Dave you are right, Holiness begins in the heart. Part of being "Holy" is "having" a right attitude and "keeping" a right spirit. You can't be holy and be "ugly" at the same time.

We all need balance. I need those who don't see things as "conservative" as I do and I need those folks who see thing more "liberal" than I do. I'd like to see the day come when we can forget the labels and just be Christians and do what Jesus told us to do......go win the world!!!!!!!!
Me too.
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Old 08-19-2007, 09:46 PM
LadyCoonskinner LadyCoonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by LadyCoonskinner View Post
Exactly!!! If the inside is all messed up, what's on the outside isn't near as important. We don't need to throw it all away, but we need to be sensitive and go the extra mile to help and be an encouragement to disillusioned ones and be there for them and be an example of what God can help you become. This is not a lib or a con statement, it is meant to be mean, that you can be a "friend", a "brother or a sister", a "confidante" or whatever they need you to be.

Dave you are right, Holiness begins in the heart. Part of being "Holy" is "having" a right attitude and "keeping" a right spirit. You can't be holy and be "ugly" at the same time.

We all need balance. I need those who don't see things as "conservative" as I do and I need those folks who see thing more "liberal" than I do. I'd like to see the day come when we can forget the labels and just be Christians and do what Jesus told us to do......go win the world!!!!!!!!

Now, I'd like to make it clear that I'm Apostolic to the core. I believe this message with all my heart, just tired of the "Lib" "Con" labels.
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Old 08-19-2007, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by LadyCoonskinner View Post

Now, I'd like to make it clear that I'm Apostolic to the core. I believe this message with all my heart, just tired of the "Lib" "Con" labels.
I'd say you're Christian to the core.A disciple of The Lamb you are.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 08-19-2007, 10:46 PM
LadyCoonskinner LadyCoonskinner is offline
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Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson View Post
I'd say you're Christian to the core.A disciple of The Lamb you are.
Thanks, bro. Scott. Though sometimes, I wonder how much of a Christian I really am.
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