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Old 07-10-2018, 06:26 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Marijuana is garbage and never ever helped anyone.
Why I changed my mind about medicinal cannabis | Hugh Hempel | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Last edited by Aquila; 07-10-2018 at 06:30 AM.
Old 07-10-2018, 06:27 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Marijuana is garbage and never ever helped anyone.
WATCH: Cannatol Rx Cannabis Nasal Spray Stops Childrens’ Seizures Within 20 Seconds
Old 07-10-2018, 06:28 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

I could go on and on all day long. There are thousands of videos, testimonials, etc.

In the videos posted above...you can watch cannabis oil stop a full blown seizure with your very own eyes. But all you do is close your eyes, post personal insults, throw out condemnation, and refuse to see the facts.

The truth is the truth EB.

Last edited by Aquila; 07-10-2018 at 06:33 AM.
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Old 07-10-2018, 06:34 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Marijuana is garbage and never ever helped anyone.
Parkinson's Disease tremor control with medicinal cannabis
Old 07-10-2018, 06:36 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Marijuana is garbage and never ever helped anyone.
Top 5 Cannabis Strains For Parkinson’s Disease
Old 07-10-2018, 06:37 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Marijuana is garbage and never ever helped anyone.
Parkinson's Patient Finds Better Quality of Life with Medical Cannabis
Old 07-10-2018, 06:38 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Marijuana is garbage and never ever helped anyone.
77-Year-Old Coloradan With Parkinson's Does An About Face On Marijuana
Old 07-10-2018, 06:49 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Snake oil wouldn't produce the results that medical cannabis oil has been shown to produce. Medical cannabis isn't a magic pill or a silver bullet. But for many, it has proven beneficial. Are there side effects? Yes. But they are no worse than the side effects of the prescription meds they pump us full of, nor is it any worse than the very conditions some are living with on a daily basis. There's always a trade off. Are the side effects of one medication more acceptable than another? Do the medications available produce side effects that are worse than the actual symptoms suffered?

EB... close your eyes and go to sleep. Dream in the world that you've made up in your head. Deny what is being discovered around you. Deny the truth. Deny it with all vigor. Deny what you can see with your very own eyes. Denounce all who disagree with you. They all have to be lying, right? Deny it EB. Deny it vehemently. Make up things and slander those who disagree with you. Call epileptic children liars. Call Parkinson's patients liars. They're all liars.

All hail, the great, Evang.Benincasa and his miracle promise.

Miracles are few. That's why they are so miraculous. The only one selling false hope and snake oil... is you. You're not a doctor. You can't promise a healing. All you can do is cling to outdated information, fear, woe, and spread the suffering. Tell me, will God give you a special reward for cursing children and parents seeking relief from seizures??? Will your God give you a gold medal for being heartless? Will your God pat you on the back for calling so many with so many different conditions that have found relief liars?

My God is God. He heals when He chooses to. And when He doesn't, He doesn't curse any who seek relief from pain or debilitating symptoms of disease through natural means. In fact, my God created all things. Any medicinal or healing properties of any given substance gives Him glory, for it was fashioned by His hands. He even created cannabis knowing that it would be abused, but also knowing the good that it could bring. My God created all things in nature that we know are healing, helpful, and beneficial. To the Creator be all glory, power, and honor. Amen.

Last edited by Aquila; 07-10-2018 at 07:28 AM.
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Old 07-10-2018, 09:14 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Aqualung, the problem is you've completely blown your credibility.
Creditability? Show me where I've blown "creditability". I've only presented opinions that sometimes differ from what are "popular" opinions among religious conservatives.

But, let's assume that I have somehow "blown" my "creditability". It doesn't matter. First, because I'm not out to impress people. I'm only seeking truth. Truth that transcends the mold that most on both the right and the left of religious and political discourse seem to hold sacred. Second, it doesn't matter because if I tell you the truth, does it make it any less true??? Of course not. This isn't politics. Those brainwashed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and others who specialize in character assassination think that by assassinating the character of a person, you'll automatically not believe that person and rush into the arms of Dittoheaddom. But that is always a slick trick that only works on weak minds. Because... a person can be least creditable, open minded, willing to change position upon seeing additional information, etc... and still if what they tell you is true... it remains true. So, you have to pay attention to the topic, the details, the evidence... even if Ronald McDonald is the one telling you these things.

In short, always remember... even if the least creditable person you've ever known tells you the truth about something, would it would still be the truth. Don't allow the paradigms of modern politics to shade your dealings with brethren in every day discussion, debate, and conversation. No one is running for office. So frankly, if you're told the truth, it's the truth. Even if you strongly disagree with the person telling you the truth in more areas than you can count. The truth is the truth.

So, let's look at EB's foolishness. He stated that medical cannabis has never helped anyone. Well, if you watched any of the videos I shared, you saw with your own eyes how cannabis has ended seizures, relieved the tremors of Parkinson's, and even calmed self harming autistic children. If you've paid attention to any of the videos I've shared previously, you'll note the brain scans of the child with epilepsy and how after her cannabis treatments her brain scans are normal. You'll note the increased functionality in the child who was failing to thrive. You've seen parents, doctors, and reporters amazed at the results.

So, will you continue to high-five, jockey, wise crack, and act like some high school goon with his favorite thug of a buddy... or do you have the courage to look at what you've seen with your own eyes and at least admonish EB to slow down and be rational???

The way I see it, you're probably more dedicated to your perceived "reputation", so the odds of you moderating your position to allow for what has been shown to you is low. However, I tend to believe there is something noble in most born again believers that will rise to the occasion, even in contexts that are unpopular, as long as something is the truth.

The only people buying your bag o' shake are those who either haven't been watching you on this forum over the years, or those who are already geared up to be getting their "medical marijuana" on the flip side anyway.
You are not all knowing and you don't know that. You may hope that's so. You can pray it is so. But you don't "know" that. In fact, I've actually been encouraged in my discussion on this topic (of all the topics I've debated, strange). This is about medicine. This is about relieving the suffering. This is about lies, propaganda, and shady politics. Even law enforcement officers are increasingly thinking all the social fear and panic over this plant is a waist of time and resources that could be dedicated to more important issues.

We've been lied to. We've been lied to by the government on this one. We've been lied to by studies funded by pharmaceutical companies that cannot be duplicated with matching results ANYWHERE. Remember the film, "Reefer Madness"? It's now a classic among anyone with experience with this plat because it is so filled with racism, misinformation, and outright lies. This is a joke that has become far too costly. And what's sad is, for thousands of years this plant was used medicinally in many cultures, even up into the early 1900's. And now it's making a comeback in the wake of a society that is gorged with pills and synthetic drugs with terrible, and eve life threatening side effects.

And please don't paint the picture that I think cannabis is a miracle drug. It's not. It has side effects. And there are concerns to take into consideration. But if you had epilepsy, Parkinson's, or some other condition with terrible symptoms that make your life a living Hades, the side effects of medical cannabis are nothing compared to what you're already living with. And, if you're on prescription meds, many times the side effects of medical cannabis are nothing compared with the side effects of regularly prescribed medication. Try to keep this in perspective.

A couple years ago you were promoting the occult on the forum.
I was "accused" of promoting the occult. But around here, that's all that's necessary is an accusation, and then the dogs start barking. Don't believe every accusation, don't believe every barking dog. I even shared Christian sources regarding the issue and repeatedly tried to clarify. But the accusers, once leveling an accusation, do not cease fire. They do not allow one to clarify anything. They take a snap shot and judge you on it for the rest of your life. Personally, that's just the flat out stupidity of shallow minds.

Take into consideration, most of traditional Christianity would call all Oneness believers heretics, and tongue talkers "occultists" who only speak in tongues because they are possessed.

But I've not known anyone here to promote the occult... magic hair comes pretty close. But even in regards to magic hair, there is no intention of promoting the occult.

You've been promoting standard democrat party talking points all along.
Like that's a bad thing? Bro, if you think the either party is truly more righteous than the other, you're part of the problem. Each party is corrupt. Each party has an agenda. Each party have good men and women who are a part of the party who want to see some good done for our society in a given area. Just because one is a Democrat doesn't mean anything.

Are you trying to say that being Apostolic is strictly for "Republicans only"? Because that is pretty sad if that's what you're saying. Each party has terrible policies that are abominations to God. Each party has good policies that would be beneficial for our society. I have faith that a "Christian" identifies with a given party not for the corrupt things the party stands for, but for the good things the party stands for. Christians who are Democrats and Christians who are Republicans are such because they identify with a more noble aspect of the party of choice. Why race with baseless accusations that condemn a brother or sister over earthly politics? Has Rush Limbaugh become the guardian of the faith? He's a fat, blow hard, who is a radio talk show host. He's "entertainment". Some mental midgets think he's news! LOL

You've promoted legalized abortion.
No, I haven't. I've only presented the case for keeping the power of government limited with respect to our person. And in light of that, I've offered ideas regarding policies that would bring the abortion rate down, and have successfully done so in other countries. But again, misrepresentation is the word of the day around here.


Last edited by Aquila; 07-10-2018 at 09:18 AM.
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Old 07-10-2018, 09:15 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Look who is selling CBD. LOL! Good Grief


Now you're promoting "medical marijuana".
The videos I showed you allow you to see the effects of medicinal use with your own eyes. Only a liar would deny what can be seen with one's own eyes.

What's next, LSD and psilocybin for treatment of depression?
First, you assume there can be no more advancements. With your logic, no new research, advancements, discoveries, or ground breaking treatments can be found. We're stuck in an eternal state of 1960's Nixonian logic. I don't doubt that more discoveries are around the corner in the next decades. Some things might involve those things you mentioned. But one's health and medication should always be a personal choice, a personal conviction. Bullies and idiots who just want to condemn people who desire to have emotionally or physically painful symptoms relieved are forcing people to suffer... for an interpretation. My point is, there is another interpretation that doesn't do that. And if one is aware of the risks involved, aware that there may be side effects, and if that person deems that whatever the side effects might be, they are of lesser concern than the pain in the current moment, that is for the individual to decide for themselves. If you chose medical cannabis to treat your child with epilepsy, EB would offer nothing but condemnation, fear, and insults. I'd offer you prayer. And if under the guidance of a physician, I'd offer you support. And when your little girl ceased having seizures, we could simply write off EB as completely discredited. And friend...that's the reality out here. Families indeed are seeing their children respond to a medication that is actually stopping the seizures. Nothing EB says can contradict that reality. Those parents would laugh EB out of their homes. They'd laugh as they drove past any church he attended with their non-seizing daughter waving with them, as a testimony to his cruel and abusive theology. In the real world, EB is a joke. Especially among those who have no made it their life's mission to help others have access to what has so greatly helped their loved ones. EB is only a big fish in this little pond. If he went to Israel and tried to correct the medical staff of Tikkun Olam, they'd laugh at him like he deserves a tin foil hat. Israel uses cannabis treatments on more conditions than we do in the United States. They even prescribe it for their military who suffer from PTSD and keep those soldiers on line. They are light years ahead of us on this. EB is just stuck in an outdated worldview.

Shamanic exploration using binaural soundtracks and VR headsets? You've already promoted "contemplative meditation"
More boogie man fear fear fear, huh? Listening to soft music, contemplating Scripture, and relaxing in a day of hurried business (and sometimes falling asleep). Oh the horror!

Don't be an idiot.

It's funny really. You can watch videos of medical cannabis actually ending seizures and denounce it as snake oil. But some idiot wants to write a book about how listening to music, relaxing, and contemplating Scripture can only fill you with the devil... and you buy it without thinking critically.

Look, if you ever look deeply into "soaking prayer"... you'll realize that Apostolics have had prayer meetings like that for over a 100 years now. The main stream church is just catching up with us. When someone first brought the phrase "soaking prayer" up to me and explained their experience with it, I chuckled and said, "Wow. I'm Apostolic Pentecostal. We've been 'soaking' in the Holy Ghost since 1906."

Get past the fear and stupidity. They've just jazzed it up a bit with fancy music and a focus on finding peace. In this world of hectic activity... I think we need to slow down, stop, turn inward, and still our souls, and focus on Jesus.

Quite simply, you're on a different Path than we are. You think that's a light at the end of the tunnel but it's a train headed right for you.
I've shown you video of parents giving their children cannabis treatment to stop their seizures (many of which can be life threatening). Are you going to call those parents liars, and accuse a child with epilepsy of "pretending" for the camera??? Or are you going to back down and realize that... yes... this stuff can work for some people? And are you willing to refrain from condemnation and judgment for anyone who might investigate it to see if it helps them or their loved one's too? Are you man enough to do that? Or is your version of "manhood" calling a child having a seizure relived by cannabis oil a "liar"???

I hope God gets a hold of you and soon, because you're playing with lots of fires and trust me, you're no firewalker. You're on the fast track to becoming another statistic. You don't see it, but lots of others do. Turn around before you fall into the abyss.
Bro, I've been shot at enough not to fear. Everyone has to die. But sadly, most don't truly live. Yes, I'm out on a limb, but that's where the fruit grows. Yes, I challenge molds and outdated notions, but that brings advancement in understanding. The reality is... what is true... has always been true... even if we discover it tomorrow. It has been true that cannabis can stop epileptic seizures for thousands of years. Just because medical science hasn't been able to study it scientifically and see these results until more recently... it doesn't mean it hasn't always been so. The truth I present to you isn't new. It's simply pealing away the falsehoods, traditions, and doctrines of men so that we can take a look at what is real.

Have I become your enemy simply because I tell you the truth?
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