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Old 06-04-2015, 12:15 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
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I never said I agreed with your view. I just found it interesting.
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Old 06-04-2015, 12:35 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I never said I agreed with your view. I just found it interesting.
Well, of all the......
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Old 06-04-2015, 01:48 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Well, of all the......
Showing your age? lol

Okay, seriously, Paul has a tremendous conversion experience. If he was like the leadership of Israel - corrupt and greedy, he would have been lying when he confessed to be blameless before the Law. The Pharisees paid Judas in order to protect their dishonest livelihood that Jesus was threatening to dismantle. He called them an "offspring of vipers".

I don't think Paul would have blatantly lied to the people like that. He confessed to his persecuting the Church, so he was keeping things real and honest in his testimony.

When you read especially, the Book of Romans, you can see that he is honestly well studied. He is bringing two factions of people together in a very powerful way - through what had already been written. Logically, and IMO, the Holy Ghost will bring things to your mind, but you have to have invested some time in study in order for the Holy Ghost to bring you into such depth of knowledge.

That is how I view Paul, anyway.
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:38 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Showing your age? lol

Okay, seriously, Paul has a tremendous conversion experience. If he was like the leadership of Israel - corrupt and greedy, he would have been lying when he confessed to be blameless before the Law. The Pharisees paid Judas in order to protect their dishonest livelihood that Jesus was threatening to dismantle. He called them an "offspring of vipers".

I don't think Paul would have blatantly lied to the people like that. He confessed to his persecuting the Church, so he was keeping things real and honest in his testimony.

When you read especially, the Book of Romans, you can see that he is honestly well studied. He is bringing two factions of people together in a very powerful way - through what had already been written. Logically, and IMO, the Holy Ghost will bring things to your mind, but you have to have invested some time in study in order for the Holy Ghost to bring you into such depth of knowledge.
That is how I view Paul, anyway.
as an aside...


while in general I agree... there was this one time when in a moment that was entirely GOD... I spoke something to someone and when done was utterly downcast because I said something that I did not think was biblical. I went to the bible to correct myself fully intending to correct my error. What I found was God is true even when I don't think he is. I actually quoted several passages of scripture and stated very certain things about the passage that were utterly accurate, and let me say that did not come from my own brain.
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:48 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
as an aside...


while in general I agree... there was this one time when in a moment that was entirely GOD... I spoke something to someone and when done was utterly downcast because I said something that I did not think was biblical. I went to the bible to correct myself fully intending to correct my error. What I found was God is true even when I don't think he is. I actually quoted several passages of scripture and stated very certain things about the passage that were utterly accurate, and let me say that did not come from my own brain.
I can't understand what you are saying. The "in general" is throwing me off as the rest of what you wrote doesn't contradict my point. Can you dumb that down for me? lol
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:58 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I can't understand what you are saying. The "in general" is throwing me off as the rest of what you wrote doesn't contradict my point. Can you dumb that down for me? lol
well... generally speaking when I am preaching or teaching I expect my study to be inspired but its the study I have put in that is inspired by God and quickened to my mind.....

ergo my agreement with you...


There was that one time, 20 years ago, when what I said was not something I had read or studied or understood but was very clearly IN the bible and very clearly as time proved prophetic. It scared me then and still to this day. and it was all judgement.... maybe im not being clear.

just saying yes for the most part I agree with you... but there was that one time when God just took over and deliverd a message thru me that I did not share any intellectual involvement in.
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:09 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
well... generally speaking when I am preaching or teaching I expect my study to be inspired but its the study I have put in that is inspired by God and quickened to my mind.....

ergo my agreement with you...


There was that one time, 20 years ago, when what I said was not something I had read or studied or understood but was very clearly IN the bible and very clearly as time proved prophetic. It scared me then and still to this day. and it was all judgement.... maybe im not being clear.

just saying yes for the most part I agree with you... but there was that one time when God just took over and delivered a message thru me that I did not share any intellectual involvement in.
Okay, yes, I did understand what you said as an "aside". I am sure that Paul experienced the same.

We fact check to much on this forum that I always hesitate when someone asks me a question about the Bible. I am waiting for a buzzer to go off if I answer incorrectly.

BTW, wouldn't you consider your experience to be one of the gifts, i.e. Word of Knowledge?

Last edited by Pressing-On; 06-04-2015 at 03:27 PM.
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:34 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Okay, yes, I did understand what you said as an "aside". I am sure that Paul experienced the same.

We fact check to much on this forum that I always hesitate when someone asks me a question about the Bible. I am waiting for a buzzer to go off if I answer incorrectly.

BTW, wouldn't you consider your experience to be one of the gifts, i.e. Word of Knowledge?
yes. gift... opportune moment for God to deal with an issue and I happened to be willing and in the way? It was prophetic in a very scary way. it was 100% accurate and dealt with both spiritual and actual events that I didn't know anything about. and it freaked me out.

I have been used in a number of gifts at times but never again like that one.

something like that.

Yea, I am crazy careful with what I post about the bible and fact check myself constantly. but I have always done that. I think its utterly irresponsible to not do so.

LOL. im kind of an historian of sorts. at church when someone preaches and uses some point of history, they come to me afterwards and ask if they got it right! its kind of funny but I always want to be on the right side of the facts where Gods people are concerned.
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Old 06-04-2015, 04:05 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Showing your age? lol

Okay, seriously, Paul has a tremendous conversion experience. If he was like the leadership of Israel - corrupt and greedy, he would have been lying when he confessed to be blameless before the Law. The Pharisees paid Judas in order to protect their dishonest livelihood that Jesus was threatening to dismantle. He called them an "offspring of vipers".

I don't think Paul would have blatantly lied to the people like that. He confessed to his persecuting the Church, so he was keeping things real and honest in his testimony.

When you read especially, the Book of Romans, you can see that he is honestly well studied. He is bringing two factions of people together in a very powerful way - through what had already been written. Logically, and IMO, the Holy Ghost will bring things to your mind, but you have to have invested some time in study in order for the Holy Ghost to bring you into such depth of knowledge.

That is how I view Paul, anyway.
PO, when I put out something I have no scripture for, I am very careful to say, "it is my opinion, or my view, or just how I may see it!"
The doctrine of repentance, water baptism in Jesus Name, the infilling of the Holy Ghost, the Mighty God in Christ!
These are unchangeable & immutable & not my opinion, whether or not Saul/Paul was part of the Pharisees that crucified Christ, is not a life or death issue.
That being said, did you know that the Pharisees had "two Laws?"
The Torah or Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Bible) & the Torah (oral tradition) & so if he was blameless, was it because he never broke a commandment? Was it because he did break a commandment, but tried to live up to the commandments?
Remember, Jesus came on the scene to a corrupt Jewish leadership & the keeping of the law was in shambles.
The Apostle Paul stated that "the natural man" can not keep the law" in fact, no one can---save Jesus!
The Law just let us know what God required & was a "schoolmaster" to lead us unto Christ!
Yes, even his statement as to the "law being blameless" he could have believed himself to being "blameless" from his viewpoint!
In other words, he was just trying to a good Pharisee!
Again, JMO!
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Old 06-04-2015, 04:07 PM
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Re: Saul - Apostle Paul had a devil?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
yes. gift... opportune moment for God to deal with an issue and I happened to be willing and in the way? It was prophetic in a very scary way. it was 100% accurate and dealt with both spiritual and actual events that I didn't know anything about. and it freaked me out.

I have been used in a number of gifts at times but never again like that one.

something like that.

Yea, I am crazy careful with what I post about the bible and fact check myself constantly. but I have always done that. I think its utterly irresponsible to not do so.

LOL. im kind of an historian of sorts. at church when someone preaches and uses some point of history, they come to me afterwards and ask if they got it right! its kind of funny but I always want to be on the right side of the facts where Gods people are concerned.
I understand what you are saying & it is one of those things that is hard to describe, but you can recognize it when it happens!
It works!
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