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Old 07-03-2014, 07:40 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Well, all I am saying is that this thread was about race from the begining so for you to say that I made this about race, well that is just wrong.
Of course the thread started with race, sorry if I didn't make it clear. What I'm talking about is the constant demonization of any Republican you don't like as racist or having some kind of alleged racist ties. Yet there's never any proof provided.

Speaking of how the thread started, do you agree with Cochran's ads? Do you agree with his decision to use black voters as pawns to gain more votes? Encouraging them to break MS law just so he can stay in a cushy Senate seat?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
For you to tell me to shut-up and then try to justify it-- two more times you are wrong.
I understand you're offended, I would be too. There's an easy fix: post proof of your claims, and if you can't, then don't post the claims!

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
When I am confronted about my wrongs, I apologize. I try to make things right. That's the kind of man I am.
Really? I had you pegged as the guy who makes bold claims, then either renegs on them (a la Democrats and abortion) or doesn't have evidence to back them up.

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Unfortunately, you are demonstrating something different.
I'll take that as a compliment.
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Old 07-03-2014, 07:45 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
In post number 46 of this thread you typed, "You're saying someone in the McDaniel campaign gave hundreds or thousands of dollars in cash to pay blacks to vote for Cochran. Dumbest. Claim. Ever."
I didn't quote you, I simply laid out the process of what your claim would have to entail. Understand? You said "Given the ilk of some of his supporters and what they are willing to do, it won't shock me at all to find out that a McDaniel supporter is behind this."

If a McDaniel supporter was behind this, that means that doofus paid out (allegedly) hundreds or thousands of dollars in cash -- because flip-phone dude claims he gave out envelopes stuffed with $15 cash.

That would be the single most stupid thing I've ever heard of done by a campaign -- paying for people to vote for your opponent.
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Old 07-03-2014, 07:46 PM
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

n David,
Does McDaniel have a negative racial reputation in the State of Mississippi that predates this election?
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Old 07-03-2014, 07:49 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
And another thing, this "Pastor" is not even a Pastor-- he's a church member.
I saw that. I don't recall this guy calling himself a Pastor in the video. I may have missed it, but I don't remember him doing so. Not sure where it started that he was a Pastor, perhaps from the blogger who paid him for the story.

Of course, after this, he's probably not a parishioner anymore, either! If he is, I doubt he has any friends after this.
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Old 07-03-2014, 07:50 PM
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Oh, so now it's not the minister's fault, yet again you're blaming (without proof) McDaniel's campaign for dragging this poor, innocent, stupid man into something "clearly beyond him."
This fake Pastor is not innocent. In fact my posts have clearly displayed my disdain for his participation in this scheme-- if there ever was a scheme at all!

There is a possibility that STEVIE FIELDER is just simply lying about the whole thing! Unfortunately, that wouldn't shock me either.
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Old 07-03-2014, 08:06 PM
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

"Church member Melba Clark, a member of the Lauderdale County Democratic Executive Committee and its former longtime chairman, said she doesn't believe any vote buying happened.

"Not only do I not believe any vote buying went on, I don't even know who Mr. Fielder was supposed to have taken to the polls," Clark said. "I'm not aware of any people that Mr. Fielder took to the polls or anybody having promised money to people. Yes, I think I would have heard about that."

Both Markham and Clark say Fielder's reputation in the area is less than stellar.

"Whenever an election comes around, he makes himself available to whatever party he can get to avail him," Clark said. "His reputation here is not good, and that's putting it mildly.""

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Old 07-03-2014, 08:30 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
n David,
Does McDaniel have a negative racial reputation in the State of Mississippi that predates this election?
I've spent a while reading various liberal blogs to see why McDaniel's has been labeled a racist. Most are the same complaint over and over.

1) Hip Hop

McDaniel had the audacity to blame gun violence on hip hop. O. M. G. The nerve of this guy!

Here's what McDaniel said:

"The reason Canada is breaking out with brand new gun violence has nothing to do with the United States and guns. It has everything to do with a culture that is morally bankrupt. What kind of culture is that? It's called hip hop."

"Name a redeeming quality of hip hop. I want to know anything about hip hop that has been good for this country. And it's not---before you get carried away---this has nothing to do with race. Because there are just as many hip hopping white kids and Asian kids as there are hip hopping black kids. It's a problem of a culture that values prison more than college; a culture that values rap and destruction of community values more than it does poetry; a culture that can't stand education. It's that culture that can't get control of itself."

Now, JD, where is the racism in this? Please show me where this is racist. That was "evidence" of McDaniel's racism on several blogs. Talking Points Memo, Slate, and a couple others I found.

BTW, I completely agree and applaud his comments on this. It's absolutely true. It's a culture. It has nothing to do with race.

2) McDaniel and the Sons of Confederate Veterans

The same liberal blogs have tried making SCV into a racist organization. SCV was founded in (IIRC) 1896. One requirement for membership is having to be a descendant of a Confederate soldier.

Look, like it or not, there was a Confederate army. And like it or not, there are still people who descended from those soldiers who want to honor their sacrifice. The overwhelming majority of people in SCV are honest people who are not racist. In fact, in early 2000s, there were extremists trying to take over the organization, but they were unsuccessful.

It's like liberals see the word "Confederate" and assume it's a bunch of neo-nazi skinhead racists. Not everything named "Confederate" is like that.

3) McDaniel and slave reparations

According to Slate, McDaniel once threated to stop paying taxes if reparations were ever passed.

"If they pass reparations, and my taxes are going up, I ain't paying taxes. Isn't that sad? And believe me I have the greatest respect for the IRS. I fear the IRS. Fear. Fear. How you gonna make me pay for something that I had nothing to do with? How you gonna do that to me? I don't get it."

Again, where is the racism in those comments? He made a valid point. Forget that it's about reparations, pretend it's about obamacare penalty tax. No one would have cared if he said it about obamacare. But because it's about slave reparations, well, it's automatically racist because he didn't agree with it.

4) Compared Vanilla Ice to minstrel shows

"Now look, minstrel shows were very offensive because what you had was a white guy dressed as a black guy and acting black, kinda like Vanilla Ice did in the 80s. That's kinda what he was doing, except he didn't have the blackface on and if he had it on he woulda been in trouble. You don't want to do that. It's never good to make fun of somebody's race merely because of the race."

This is becoming ridiculous. Again, show me the racism in that remark? He says minstrel shows were "very offensive" and that it's "never good to make fun of somebody's race." Yet this comment is deemed racist by the Talking Points Memo? Are they serious?

5) Mamacita

This is a load of tripe, it really is. Now TPM says he's racist for talking about the word "Mamacita."

"Mamacita works. You say that at the wrong place and the wrong time you will get beat down. Mamacita. It's not a bad word. It's indicative. I think it basically means -- I'm an English-speaking Anglo. I have no idea what it means, actually, but I've said it a few times, just for, you know, fun. And I think it basically means, 'Hey, hot mama.' Or, you know, 'You're a fine looking young thing.' It's a Rolling Stones song is what it is."

Let's play "Find the racism in that quote!" Apparently I'm racist, cause before I was married, I dated some mamacita's. My church is 90% latino, the block we live on is 98% latino. Our family and one other couple are the only white folk on the block. I've heard the word used a lot. And McDaniel is right, in the wrong setting you can get beat down for using the word, but it's a word used a lot.

Interestingly, TPM mentions it briefly, but McDaniel pulled out of a speaking appearance due to a noted white supremacist who was a vendor at the event. Of course, he's still a racist, cause he told the truth about hip hop.

That about covers what I've read and heard about McDaniel's alleged racism. It's overblown and completely wrong.

Last edited by n david; 07-03-2014 at 08:36 PM.
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Old 07-03-2014, 08:35 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
"Church member Melba Clark, a member of the Lauderdale County Democratic Executive Committee and its former longtime chairman, said she doesn't believe any vote buying happened.

"Not only do I not believe any vote buying went on, I don't even know who Mr. Fielder was supposed to have taken to the polls," Clark said. "I'm not aware of any people that Mr. Fielder took to the polls or anybody having promised money to people. Yes, I think I would have heard about that."

Both Markham and Clark say Fielder's reputation in the area is less than stellar.

"Whenever an election comes around, he makes himself available to whatever party he can get to avail him," Clark said. "His reputation here is not good, and that's putting it mildly.""

Let's hope there wasn't any vote-buying. I'd rather have this guy be lying, than for Cochron to be some weasel paying out $15 to get black people to vote for him. I'd be offended if someone only offered me $15 to vote for them. I'm not cheap! If you try buying my vote, you better bring something more than a little envelope!
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Old 07-03-2014, 08:37 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
This fake Pastor is not innocent. In fact my posts have clearly displayed my disdain for his participation in this scheme-- if there ever was a scheme at all!

There is a possibility that STEVIE FIELDER is just simply lying about the whole thing! Unfortunately, that wouldn't shock me either.
It very well could be that Fielder set the whole thing up. Faked the emails and texts to try and get money for a story. He was paid for the story.
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Old 07-03-2014, 09:23 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Thad Cochran voter fraud allegations

It's official. CNN reporting:

"State Sen. Chris McDaniel's campaign served papers to Cochran's son, Clayton, with notice of intent to challenge the results, citing allegations of improper crossover voting."

"The challenge was filed with the state Republican Party executive committee, as required by law, the Clarion-Ledger reported, and an official court challenge could come as early as next week."

Source Link

Interesting point towards the bottom of the story:

Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, and an expert in national election law, said he believes a thorough review of election records will reveal fewer illegal votes than skeptics of the runoff claim.

Levitt said that partial election records, like those reviewed by True the Vote and McDaniel supporters, can often overstate voter fraud, which is later revealed as clerical error or due to voters with identical names and birth dates -- which Levitt said is actually very common.
True the Vote has sued for full access to the voting records, including DOBs and SS#s, so they can do just what Levitt is saying...sift through the identical names or DOBs to accurately verify if there were illegal votes cast, and how many illegal votes were cast.
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