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Old 12-17-2013, 04:30 PM
Sasha Sasha is offline
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett View Post
When the inside is made right, He WILL work on the OUTWARD part too. Isn't this correct.

How so?
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Old 12-17-2013, 04:32 PM
Sasha Sasha is offline
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Prax, thanks for sharing. I always wanted to know what you looked like.
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Old 12-17-2013, 04:35 PM
Sasha Sasha is offline
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Good job, Prax.

I would add the following:

These holy garments, as commanded by God to be made, were, along with the other tabernacle/temple items, copies of what Moses saw in a vision regarding HEAVEN and the heavenly tabernacle.

If that doesn't preach to you, what will?

Secondly, here are some more Scriptures:

1 Timothy 2:9-10,

Women ought to adorn themselves in modest clothing that isn't expensive, along with any jewelry that contains gold and/or pearls. Can a woman disobey this verse of Scripture and be okay with her Savior?

If you say yes, then a woman, and by extension, anyone, can disobey any Scripture they want without any negative effect upon their person and soul.

If you say no (as you rightly should) then if her relationship with her Savior is negatively affected through her disobedience, at what point does such a woman, for lack of a better term, on account of her disobedience, "lose" her holiness with God?

And for those who don't think a person's apparel has anything to do with his or her salvation, quit deceiving yourself.

If a woman, you just vamp it up, make sure you get a low cut shirt with a push-up bra, rock the cleavage, put on some pumps or attend a service dressed like Daisy Duke or Shakira and watch as every man looks at you walk in, and then feel the stares from behind as they can't help a second glance. Sit right in front of the pastor as he preaches so he can be nice and distracted and go up to the altar call, kneel down, so your butt is pulled tight and any passerby can see down your shirt, then ask yourself, is this the way a saved woman of God dresses?

You will be the biggest stumblingblock in the entire building, and cause many to offend, including your sisters, who resent your appearance because they caught their husbands' eyes wandering.

You can write them all off as perturbed perverts who can't control their lust, or you can rightly recognize your duty as your brother's keeper, and not shame the Lord with how you dress.

The same goes for men. You can GQ it up, wear that tight T-shirt that show off your abs, pecs, and biceps, allow a little bit of the old five o'clock shadow and some nice cologne and dazzle every woman in the audience with a brilliant smile, and I guarantee, some woman is going to swoon in her heart, especially if she's sitting next to Big Bob with his crooked tie, belly hanging over his belt, can't seem to comb his hair right husband who hasn't looked good in a suit since the day you married him.

Again, the same principle applies: stumblingblock, one that causes a dear sister in the Lord to lust and offend Christ.

But no, clothing has nothing to do with salvation. Nothing.

1 Peter 3:1-6,

Chaste conversation = sacred life style, one that demonstates inward and outward purity from the carnality of the world, from the Greek word hagnos, which stems from hagios, the common New Testament term for HOLY.

Adorning: to be arranged in a harmonious way

Apparel: clothing, especially the upper garments

Why not do this?

So as to win the disobedient husband to the Lord. That is, don't try to win him to the Lord by making yourself extra attractive or sexy on the outside through your clothing and jewelry, but rather win him because of what's in your heart: meekness and quietness of spirit.

If you will do this, ladies (should your husband not obey the Word), and NOT attempt the other (dressing and appearing in a "come hither" ready for the bedroom way), you will be a daughter of Sarah, and will become, as Peter here wrote, like a HOLY woman of old.

So you see, a lost husband's SALVATION can be dependent on how his wife dresses or doesn't dress versus how she acts and speaks from the heart.

Yeah, a lost husband might physically enjoy seeing his wife dress the part of the "I want you" vixen in the home, but doing that isn't going to save his soul, just turn up his sex drive.

People need to understand: modesty is not about you. It is about everyone else. You are free to be naked in private, in the shower, at home, in the bedroom and anywhere else where unwelcome eyes are *gasp* unwelcome.

But in public, you have a sacred duty to God and humanity to protect your brothers and sisters, both saved, and those yet to be saved, by not dressing in an offensive way.

If people could be honest and talk about how someone's appearance caused them to sin, we might actually start to believe and obey these otherwise seemingly un-palatable Scriptures.

I knew a guy who confessed the following to me:

There are times when I've prayed for grace. But there are other times when I've prayed for mercy.

Why? Because a newlywed pastor's wife almost always came to church dressed in such a way that for all intents and purposes, made her look smokin' hot.

Now, you can dismiss that as crude, ignorant, and sexist, or you can admit that some people have got it in the looks department and if they are not careful, accentuating their looks by dress and appearance makes it all the harder on everyone else.

This isn't about pants, beards, skirt length, eye shadow, or any of that.

It's about loving your neighbor as yourself, you know, the second greatest commandment in the entire Bible.

And if you don't believe me, next time you're in a service, look around and people watch. See who's eyes wander and where. See who can't make eye contact with a person of the opposite sex because their eyes aren't on the face. See if there are any teenage boys with a coat or bible spread across their lap.

Then, after your informal survey, remember to tell yourself:

Standards of outward appearance do matter! They ARE tied to holiness and salvation.
Typical American male with the typical American mindset.

Did you know that in most other countries, modesty isn't an issue as to what someone wears or doesn't? Why don't you accompany Sis. Alvear to the jungle so you can help her tell those people they are immodest because they are mostly naked.

Not saying this means here in America we can't dress like the jungle people. Rather, you cannot say that clothing makes us holy or the lack thereof is unholy. You also cannot expect that men and women everywhere should dress as we do or they aren't dressed 'holiness'.
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Old 12-17-2013, 04:39 PM
Sasha Sasha is offline
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

I live in the Bible belt, and it's funny to hear people say, "They should know who you are by what you are wearing."

When I did follow 'standards' and went out with several women to eat after church, we were still asked, "Smoking or non?" Sheesh, couldn't they see we were holy people????
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Old 12-17-2013, 04:44 PM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

Originally Posted by Sasha View Post
Typical American male with the typical American mindset.

Did you know that in most other countries, modesty isn't an issue as to what someone wears or doesn't? Why don't you accompany Sis. Alvear to the jungle so you can help her tell those people they are immodest because they are mostly naked.

Not saying this means here in America we can't dress like the jungle people. Rather, you cannot say that clothing makes us holy or the lack thereof is unholy. You also cannot expect that men and women everywhere should dress as we do or they aren't dressed 'holiness'.
I don't think you've shown a typical American male attitude. That sounds rather biased.

Many "other cultures" also practice fornication and witchcraft too. It's the churches job to teach them the right way. Of course they don't see being half naked as immodest.
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Old 12-17-2013, 05:03 PM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

Of course they don't see being half naked as immodest.
You are right and......
MANY in our own country don't see that as immodest.
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Old 12-17-2013, 05:11 PM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

Originally Posted by Lacey View Post
You are right and......
MANY in our own country don't see that as immodest.
True! So the analogy was flawed.
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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 12-17-2013, 05:16 PM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
True! So the analogy was flawed.
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Old 12-17-2013, 05:37 PM
Miss Scarlett Miss Scarlett is offline
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

My Grandson, using the top of the door as a guideline, taught me about the decline of todays morality. As morality Of the world lowers, so do the standards of the church, though we are still above their level, a lot of us have lowered our standards. So as the worlds standards decline, so do the standards of the church declined, as we have shortened our skirts, wear lower necklines, Shorter sleeve lengths and more figure hugging clothing. Standing closer loser to the fence, but not yet straddling it. But we are moving closer. Am I not correct?
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Old 12-17-2013, 05:38 PM
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Re: Is There A Difference In?

Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett View Post
My Grandson, using the top of the door as a guideline, taught me about the decline of todays morality. As morality Of the world lowers, so do the standards of the church, though we are still above their level, a lot of us have lowered our standards. So as the worlds standards decline, so do the standards of the church declined, as we have shortened our skirts, wear lower necklines, Shorter sleeve lengths and more figure hugging clothing. Standing closer loser to the fence, but not yet straddling it. But we are moving closer. Am I not correct?
Didn't you say that before?
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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