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Old 11-30-2010, 07:47 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
You are not politically correct.
I have my reasons for not dating either... and the reasons are opposite... and I will not go into detail here.
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Old 11-30-2010, 07:47 PM
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Typical coadie.

High concentrations of gluten are a "poison" to those who are gluten intolerant. The hybridization of wheat and rye strains along with centuries of selection has resulted in higher and higher levels of gluten in our refined flours.

Sadly, coadie is just too stupid to actually comprehend what he reads. His own selection process blinds him to important information and his own nasty predisposition causes him to vomit the bile that we are confronted with here.

Q: What does this to the human body?
A: Too much of a "good thing."

Q: What can destroy the villi in the human digestive tract?
A: Wheat. Refine the wheat and you'll get higher doses of the gluten.

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Old 11-30-2010, 08:02 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Typical coadie.

High concentrations of gluten are a "poison" to those who are gluten intolerant. The hybridization of wheat and rye strains along with centuries of selection has resulted in higher and higher levels of gluten in our refined flours.

Sadly, coadie is just too stupid to actually comprehend what he reads. His own selection process blinds him to important information and his own nasty predisposition causes him to vomit the bile that we are confronted with here.

Q: What does this to the human body?
A: Too much of a "good thing."

Q: What can destroy the villi in the human digestive tract?
A: Wheat. Refine the wheat and you'll get higher doses of the gluten.

That happened to me when was consuming large amounts of white flour. And I always felt sick. Cut the stuff out, replaced it with whole grains, but lesser amounts... cleared up!!
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Old 11-30-2010, 08:22 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

[QUOTE=pelathais;995677]Typical coadie.

High concentrations of gluten are a "poison" to those who are gluten intolerant. The hybridization of wheat and rye strains along with centuries of selection has resulted in higher and higher levels of gluten in our refined flours.

Sadly, coadie is just too stupid to actually comprehend what he reads. His own selection process blinds him to important information and his own nasty predisposition causes him to vomit the bile that we are confronted with here.

Q: What does this to the human body?
A: Too much of a "good thing."

Q: What can destroy the villi in the human digestive tract?
A: Wheat. Refine the wheat and you'll get higher doses of the gluten.

So now you are trying to cover to save face.

Gluten sensitivity is related to allergy or in some cases enteropathy. Enteropathy can advance to Coeliac Disease.

Didn't they cover this in your banker training?

The allergic reaction in peanuts also is not caused by refining.

You need some college science classes.

Wheat, milled or processed doesn't destroy the intestinal villi. It is not poison. You can live to 100 years. If you have enteritis and certain allergies, you can switch grains and be fine. Flax or millet are great.

Pelthais no where did you mention in your above post that gluten allergies are the problem

Do you know why? It is your ego.

Coeliac disease is the classically defined gluten-sensitivity and dermatitis herpetiformis was appended to a broadening definition of gluten sensitivity. The diagnostic "gold standard" of coeliac disease as the villus atrophy detected in duodenal biopsies.

The illness is in the intestines and not because of hybrid wheats.

You must be a city person that thinks they know about crops. Stick with stuff you know.

Last edited by coadie; 11-30-2010 at 08:54 PM.
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Old 11-30-2010, 08:35 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Originally Posted by houston View Post
That happened to me when was consuming large amounts of white flour. And I always felt sick. Cut the stuff out, replaced it with whole grains, but lesser amounts... cleared up!!

Pelthais says gluten is poison.

I can eat it by the scoop and do fine

Wheat is great food. As we separate the parts, it loses nutrients.

if we remove food value, we see labels that restore some calling it enriched flour.
My Sister in laws brother ran a huge mill for cargill for 25 years. He dealt with a lot of information errors that were generated by the food supplement industries.
My problem with storebought bread is all the additives.

Ezekiel 4:9., "Take also unto thee Wheat, and Barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and Spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make bread ...

My SDA relatives buy the Ezekiel multigrain breads.
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:03 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Typical coadie.

High concentrations of gluten are a "poison" to those who are gluten intolerant. The hybridization of wheat and rye strains along with centuries of selection has resulted in higher and higher levels of gluten in our refined flours.

Sadly, coadie is just too stupid to actually comprehend what he reads. His own selection process blinds him to important information and his own nasty predisposition causes him to vomit the bile that we are confronted with here.

Q: What does this to the human body?
A: Too much of a "good thing."

Q: What can destroy the villi in the human digestive tract?
A: Wheat. Refine the wheat and you'll get higher doses of the gluten.

Dermatitis herpetiformis (a "sister" of celiac disease)

Celiac disease is a genetic, immunologically mediated small bowel enteropathy that causes malabsorption. The immune inflammatory response to gluten frequently causes damage to many other tissues of the body. The condition is frequently underdiagnosed because of its protean presentations. New prevalence data indicate that symptomatic and latent celiac disease is present in one of 300 people of European descent. Age of onset ranges from infancy to old age. Symptomatic presentations include general ill-health, as well as dermatologic, hematologic, musculoskeletal, mucosal, dental, psychologic and neurologic diseases. Celiac disease has a 95 percent genetic predisposition and, thus, it is frequently associated with autoimmune conditions such as diabetes mellitus type 1 and thyroid disease. Untreated patients have an increased incidence of osteoporosis and intestinal lymphoma. Excellent diagnostic screening tests are now available, including those that detect antigliadin and antiendomysial antibodies. Therapy with a gluten-free diet is effective, resulting in complete resolution of symptoms and secondary complications in almost all patients. Local and national celiac-sprue associations facilitate care of patients with celiac disease and support dietary compliance.

Pelthais is living in his urban legend mind.

Gluten is not a poison. Celiacs disease is allerginc to certain proteins. We all can eat all the wheat we want unless we have this alergy.
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:17 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
I totally disagree with this statement. One thing I've observed over the years is that as people get older, thin people have heart problems - just like fat people do. Thin people break hips, arms, legs, etc. - just like fat people do. Thin people get cancer - just like fat people do. I am convinced that genetics play a bigger part in the length of a person's life than does their size.

Now if we are talking about a person who is 600 lbs, that might make a big difference. I don't know. I honestly don't know anyone that big.
No offense Sis, but you're ignoring the facts.
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:23 PM
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
We need to stop making excuses for America's eating problem. I understand that some people may have a health issue which might contribute to being overweight, but the bottom line is this Nation is fat, and very sick.

This doesn't mean we are supposed to hate fat people, but telling people that they are big and unhealthy is what people need to hear. I've watched several people on this Forum get upset when this subject is discussed, which only contributes to the problem of our children growing up with premature diseases and low self esteem.

We are allowing the Food Industry to KILL us, instead of standing up and refusing to buy all of the JUNK FOOD that fills our stores and fast food restaurants.

This program spells things out pretty clear.

I agree with you! It needs to be discussed. It's kind of hard to have a reasonable discussion, though, when the church wavers between the two extremes of either turning a blind eye or putting all the fat people in hell.
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:25 PM
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Coadie and Pel, I for one am sort of enjoying the discourse... admittedly it would be much more pleasant sans the personal attacks.

Can we just respond without the emotional responses that border on flaming?
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:28 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Are Fat People Going to Hell?

Originally Posted by Hoovie View Post
Coadie and Pel, I for one am sort of enjoying the discourse... admittedly it would be much more pleasant sans the personal attacks.

Can we just respond without the emotional responses that border on flaming?
What a hateful homophobic thing to say!
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