Re: Opinions!!!!!!!
First let me say that I never had a daughter and my son is now an adult. However, I believe God is looking out for His People. I grew up "in the country" and rode my bike EVERYWHERE when I was 13. We did not have cell phones or helmets but we ventured all the way to the City of Waterbury, CT on our bikes. 10-15 miles from home was no big deal for us.
I recently read an article in Reader's Digest about a woman who let her young son navigate the NYC Subway on his own. People thought she was nuts but I happen to agree with her. Kids are not nearly as unsafe in our world as all the neurotic fear mongers want us to believe.
I remember going to NYC as a kid for the UPCI Harvestime street meeting. Am I dating myself? My brother and I got bored with the service. (Sorry, but we were kids) So, we took off to explore the subway. Did we feel unsafe? No! We figured, look at all these people, they’re not afraid to be here.
As an adult, I’ve traveled all over the U.S. and overseas. After 9-11, my wife and I visited ground zero in NYC. I have to say NYC was nothing like I remembered it as a kid. I’d say it is a safer place today than it was in the 70’s, by far. I’ve found the same thing everywhere I’ve traveled. Paris, London, Amsterdam, NY, LA, generally people are not out to harm some innocent stranger. Perverts can lurk in any neighborhood. However, let's have a little faith. It’s the Enemy who wants us to cower in fear.
Train your children. Instruct them in the evils of this world. But while you’re at it, don’t forget to teach them to trust God by showing them that you trust Him too.