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Old 11-19-2008, 01:58 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by Neck View Post
Just the fact you called it Xmas says it all.

You can keep the commercialism.

But when I am sitting down on Christmas day and reading to my kids from
the first verses in Matthew.

As I have for 17 years for my oldest and 13 for my youngest.

What they remember most is me reading about the birth of Christ.

And them asking me questions...

Maybe you should grab your kids and teach them about his birth.

Get less bent on sharing with them why you don't celebrate the birth of our saviour...

I dont care if you do in on Sept 21st, middle of May just share it with them...

Calling it Xmas is exactly what commerialism/Secularism is all about.

I think you need to research X-mas has nothing to do with commercialism.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:00 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
Sorry if I sounded sarcastic. The word Thursday is pagan. In order to be consistent, a non-tree putter upper shoud perhaps look into it.
probably should. Maybe we should use God given days for days of the week. hmmm and maybe we should use the name of months given by God instead of pagan deities and others..... hmmm

Named after the Roman god of beginnings and endings Janus (the month Januarius).

The name comes either from the old-Italian god Februus or else from februa, signifying the festivals of purification celebrated in Rome during this month.

This is the first month of the Roman year. It is named after the Roman god of war, Mars.

Called Aprilis, from aperire, "to open". Possible because it is the month in which the buds begin to open.

The third month of the Roman calendar. The name probably comes from Maiesta, the Roman goddess of honor and reverence.

The fourth month was named in honor of Juno. However, the name might also come from iuniores (young men; juniors) as opposed to maiores (grown men; majors) for May, the two months being dedicated to young and old men.

It was the month in which Julius Caesar was born, and named Julius in his honor in 44 BCE, the year of his assassination. Also called Quintilis (fifth month).

Originally this month was called Sextilis (from sextus, "six"), but the name was later changed in honor of the first of the Roman emperors, Augustus (because several fortunate events of his life occurred during this month).

The name comes from septem, "seven".

The name comes from octo, "eight"

The name comes from novem, "nine".

The name comes from decem, "ten".
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:01 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
As one who has been in several different Apostolic churches, over the years. This discussion always seem to be about how one individual is more righteous than another.
How about the scripture that says that one man esteemeth one day above another and another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
I think that applies, here.
Rom. 14 applies to holydays commanded by God in the OT NOT pagan holidays 'christianized' by the Roman church.nIt does not apply. Apples and oranges.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:03 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by Neck View Post
Just the fact you called it Xmas says it all.

You can keep the commercialism.

But when I am sitting down on Christmas day and reading to my kids from
the first verses in Matthew.

As I have for 17 years for my oldest and 13 for my youngest.

What they remember most is me reading about the birth of Christ.

And them asking me questions...

Maybe you should grab your kids and teach them about his birth.

Get less bent on sharing with them why you don't celebrate the birth of our saviour...

I dont care if you do in on Sept 21st, middle of May just share it with them...

Calling it Xmas is exactly what commerialism/Secularism is all about.
Well said Neck.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:04 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

I can't imagine celebrating Christmas without all the trimmings. That is a part of Christmas to me.

I get really put our with Christians "X" out Christ!
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:05 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Rom. 14 applies to holydays commanded by God in the OT NOT pagan holidays 'christianized' by the Roman church.nIt does not apply. Apples and oranges.
you would also think they would apply a little common sense and shun pagan practice handed down by these pagan/christian teachers.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:07 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 View Post
you would also think they would apply a little common sense and shun pagan practice handed down by these pagan/christian teachers.
I have found you pick and chose what you follow. As stated before on these forums we use many pagan traditions including the days and months of the year.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:08 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

I might write a song called "Backslid and Loving It!" if I believed I were really backslid! I am sure glad I don't have to worry about this stuff anymore! BUt, it was a long road to really understanding I could have a tree and be okay.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:13 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
Sorry if I sounded sarcastic. The word Thursday is pagan. In order to be consistent, a non-tree putter upper should perhaps look into it.
This is the way I see it. Pagan influences are found in our everyday life. This is for sure.

What I seek to monitor is any mixture of what is from the worship of other gods with what I use in worship to my God.

God doesn't like the mixture and that is what I seek to shun.

Mars hill was named after a pagan deity of war. But we still hear that name reiterated in the Word. There was no attempt on Paul's part to try to get them to change the name of the hill. He simply preached Christ to them without condemnation.

Nor did Paul attempt to adapt any of their methods by which they worshiped their false deities into his own worship of the true and living God.

The third month of the year is named after that same god. I have no Biblical mandate to get this world to change its secular ways and rename all of their months & days... I just preach Christ without condemnation during all of those months & days.

It seems to me to be a wise and prudent balance that I not attempt to have this world change it's names to suit me while I attempt, at the same time, to ensure that none of their ways find their way into my worship either.

Thursday is not something I offer to God as worship. It is a day in which I live and move and have my being in Him.

If the name of the day becomes part of my worship then I have begun to cross a line.

We are in the world but not of the world. We are in this world and have to consist therein. But none of these pagan influences that we meet day by day need find their way in the way I form my worship to the true and living God.

Though i live my life daily in a world full of spiritual impurities... I can still work with all that is within me to keep that offering of worship that I give to Him free of those influences.
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Old 11-19-2008, 02:16 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
This is the way I see it. Pagan influences are found in our everyday life. This is for sure.

What I seek to monitor is any mixture of what is from the worship of other gods with what I use in worship to my God.

God doesn't like the mixture and that is what I seek to shun.

Mars hill was named after a pagan deity of war. But we still hear that name reiterated in the Word. There was no attempt on Paul's part to try to get them to change the name of the hill. He simply preached Christ to them without condemnation.

Nor did Paul attempt to adapt any of their methods by which they worshiped their false deities into his own worship of the true and living God.

The third month of the year is named after that same god. I have no Biblical mandate to get this world to change its secular ways and rename all of their months & days... I just preach Christ without condemnation during all of those months & days.

It seems to me to be a wise and prudent balance that I not attempt to have this world change it's names to suit me while I attempt, at the same time, to ensure that none of their ways find their way into my worship either.

Thursday is not something I offer to God as worship. It is a day in which I live and move and have my being in Him.

If the name of the day becomes part of my worship then I have begun to cross a line.

We are in the world but not of the world. We are in this world and have to consist therein. But none of these pagan influences that we meet day by day need find their way in the way I form my worship to the true and living God.

Though i live my life daily in a world full of spiritual impurities... I can still work with all that is within me to keep that offering of worship that I give to Him free of those influences.
And here is the key to all of this, what are you worshipping? I doubt any of us are worshipping our trees. Good grief!
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