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Old 08-19-2008, 03:08 PM
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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by vrblackwell View Post
Rico, is you think socialism is so wonderful please move to Russia or Canada.

You think that universal health care is great. Go to British Columbia where my brother lives and ask the thousands that are on a waiting list to get treatment. That list is over six months long.
that waiting list is more sanitary than a british hospital where they are considering turning sheets over instead of washing to cut down on costs....
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:10 PM
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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
once again you demonstrate a complete lack of biblical understanding.

Gods charge is to Christians. NOT the state.
When God established Israel, He established a nation, Ferd. A nation with a tithing requirement that amounted to a tax. Can you believe it? The nerve of God expecting up to 30% from people, depending on the year. How dare He! Plus, he required people to pay certain fees to the "government" officials, depending on what services they were getting. Again, how dare He? Who did He think He was by establishing taxes and fees to the people of the nation of Israel?!?!?! Using your logic, He was a liberal demonrat for thinking taxing His people was ok.
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:12 PM
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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by vrblackwell View Post
Rico, is you think socialism is so wonderful please move to Russia or Canada.

You think that universal health care is great. Go to British Columbia where my brother lives and ask the thousands that are on a waiting list to get treatment. That list is over six months long.
Listen, the love it or move out tactic is boring. Come up with something better than that.
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:13 PM
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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
When God established Israel, He established a nation, Ferd. A nation with a tithing requirement that amounted to a tax. Can you believe it? The nerve of God expecting up to 30% from people, depending on the year. How dare He! Plus, he required people to pay certain fees to the "government" officials, depending on what services they were getting. Again, how dare He? Who did He think He was by establishing taxes and fees to the people of the nation of Israel?!?!?! Using your logic, He was a liberal demonrat for thinking taxing His people was ok.
You show a complete lack of knowledge of OT culture. Why don't you back up those statements rico?
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:16 PM
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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
When God established Israel, He established a nation, Ferd. A nation with a tithing requirement that amounted to a tax. Can you believe it? The nerve of God expecting up to 30% from people, depending on the year. How dare He! Plus, he required people to pay certain fees to the "government" officials, depending on what services they were getting. Again, how dare He? Who did He think He was by establishing taxes and fees to the people of the nation of Israel?!?!?! Using your logic, He was a liberal demonrat for thinking taxing His people was ok.
?. dude what is wrong with you? because one is a conservitive, does not mean one believes there should be no taxation.

and i would be very happy with a base 10% tax or even (really) up to 30% in some years.... I pay more than that for sure.

God was NEVER a socialist. that is Rico mythology he picked up from some crazy liberal website that wants to get christians to vote for a bunch of baby killing homo lovers.
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:17 PM
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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
You show a complete lack of knowledge of OT culture. Why don't you back up those statements rico?
regugitation of something told to you by someone else isnt back up-able
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:24 PM
OnenessWoman OnenessWoman is offline

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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
Interesting, I think the same thing about McCain-- he's just another politician.
Obama is genuine.
Yes, you are right. Obama is genuine...a genuine FAKE....just like McCain.
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Also, you guys need to grow up and stop all this "Osbama, Oblama, Osama, Obamination" nonsense.

Obamination! I hadn't heard that one! Love it!

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Actually he wears an ear piece and just as he starts to speak one of his assistances says "No you idiot! Don't say that"

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
AMEN, except, there aint no "degree" about it.

They all say exactly what they think we want to hear, and then go and do whatever they want to, or at least what they can get away with!

Amen Sista! You preach it!
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:38 PM
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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
EXACTLY. Where Obama lost many was that he believed in killing a baby who was aborted alive, as if aborting a baby in utero was any different, but a live baby being purposely made to die is infanticide in the worst possible degree!
Partial birth abortions are an unthinkable crime to me. I hate all abortions, but I believe that partial birth abortions are particularly heinous. However, the last report I read said that partial birth abortions account for 0.17% of all abortions. I have a problem with the nearly 1 million that happen every year and I think that to focus on this minute fraction only helps to hide the real problem.
The real problem is that abortion has been a lip-service platform for too long. Let me run down some of my problems then probably back away because this is frustrating to me.

1. Since Roe vs Wade was enacted, there have been 10 Justices appointed to the Supreme Court. 8 of those 10 have been appointed by Republican Presidents (you can paint it however you want to but that is simply a fact). Maybe McCain will be the conservative that fixes all of this.

2. Too many of the people who say that abortion is murder apparently do not believe it because if 1 million 10 year olds were getting killed every year the response would be vastly different. I don't believe we would have the same patience that we do with the Republicans who have been running on this platform for decades. How many years of millions of 10 year olds being killed would it take for us to demand action and change. How many election cycles would we allow to pass while these were being murdered and how many times would we embrace those who made stopping this very central to their campaigns. Politicians have now realized that they can say that they are pro-life and enjoy our support even while the millions are being murdered. The message that we send is that they can count on our vote because we will not vote for the other, but at the same time they don't have to stop the murders because we can live with them.

I guess if you feel like 4 years of McCain will help end abortion, then you should hold out hope. However, I believe there will be another 4 million abortions and then another Republican will enjoy your support due to the same issue.

Just my honest opinion.
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Old 08-19-2008, 03:44 PM
OnenessWoman OnenessWoman is offline

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Re: Osbama tying himself in knots with Rick Warren

Originally Posted by Tyk View Post
We all like to think we are disillusioned and have the correct view on anything we take a stand for.
Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
I don't think I mentioned anything I "stand" for, just how I feel. We all like to think everything that WE think and feel is right, what is your point? I'm not promoting anything. I respect that everyone has different viewpoints, but that doesn't make mine invalid.

What are you responding to? I didn't hear anything...
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