With very few exceptions most people on this forum are rude and judgmental. Although the severity varies most people on this forum judge far too often.
God Bless everyone! I may lurk but I shall never post. Anyone wants to keep in contact clgustaveson[AT]gmail.com!
Clugus, your lament has been seen on the Internet ever since the first Los Alamos scientist on the first News server failed to receive the respect he so richly deserved for blowing things up.
Don't expect the same levels of friendship and fellowship in an Internet forum that you expect in a church family or with "real" human contact. Also, the often staccato style of "talking" that goes on in forums often sounds more short, curt and rude than is truly intended.
You really should give people more of a break. Also, give things more time as you get aquainted with the different personalities. And remember, many people are on these boards because they have some "issues" or hurts themself. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Most importantly - read your Internet Service Provider's Terms of Service! There your ISP emphasizes that this connection is provided purely for "entertainment purposes." It's supposed to be fun. The more serious things in life require a more serious form of "intervention" than an Internet forum.
Clugus, your lament has been seen on the Internet ever since the first Los Alamos scientist on the first News server failed to receive the respect he so richly deserved for blowing things up.
Don't expect the same levels of friendship and fellowship in an Internet forum that you expect in a church family or with "real" human contact. Also, the often staccato style of "talking" that goes on in forums often sounds more short, curt and rude than is truly intended.
You really should give people more of a break. Also, give things more time as you get aquainted with the different personalities. And remember, many people are on these boards because they have some "issues" or hurts themself. Take everything with a grain of salt.
Most importantly - read your Internet Service Provider's Terms of Service! There your ISP emphasizes that this connection is provided purely for "entertainment purposes." It's supposed to be fun. The more serious things in life require a more serious form of "intervention" than an Internet forum.
Good advice!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
With very few exceptions most people on this forum are rude and judgmental. Although the severity varies most people on this forum judge far too often.
I have made a few friends, Rico is a cool dude, it was nice talking with you for the short period of time I was on here. Baron, see in the fantasy football league, we can keep up through email, you are cool too, I am just a very non-judgmental person and I cut people maybe too much slack. Rico may have told me my education was in may in a few cases but that was mostly on differing points, not because he was undereducated.
Sabellius our biochemistry/physics discussion were intriguing and you were not one I have had an issue with.
I am not going to stay on a forum and waste my precious time when I get a point for calling someone a punk and yet one person can belittle me for saying I would die for someone rights to be elected based on their views.
My time is far too valuable to waste talking to someone telling me they stood between me and the enemy while they site on their butts typing on an online forum.
You don't know what kind of lives I have helped and what I have done. Ferd, I would consider thinking about what you said. There is not one day I would not have gave my life to be over seas defending this country. You see, I have tried to join every branch of the military but I have a 30 degree loss of motion in my right arm.
Maybe if you would stop being so judgmental and listen what people are saying you would have gotten the whole story before you belittled me for telling you what I would have gladly done.
I was never saying what you are saying is bad, I was merely saying you are not giving him enough credit for what his views are. I am a large critic of Obama and his terrorist ways but America will reap what it sows and wants. Who are you to judge his intentions? His liberal dogma can't defeat the conservative message any day.
God Bless everyone! I may lurk but I shall never post. Anyone wants to keep in contact clgustaveson[AT]gmail.com!
I think you have made a quality decision.
I must admit I am a little surprised though, considering you posted less than seven days ago...."I love this place".
I am hopeful that your departure provides more time for the things you value.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
Ok guys give him a break he said I was cool so he can't be all bad. Besides after my fantasy team pulverizes his he will be really down, maybe even suicidal. Do you all want that on your conscience? I am sure some of you can remember way back in time to when you had it all figured out, give him some time. He will either realize it's not as cut and dried as it once seemed or he will become an Ultra Con and know exactly what all of you need to do to get to heaven, and more importantly what all of you are doing to get to hell.
Yep. Sure do.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
bye dude, i thought it was cool you liked sports, dt
over five (5) hyperlinks to fantasy/sports related online activites....
"liked sports"? Maybe his affection for sports (and contests in general) was how (and where) he invested his deepest affections.
Some folks can get absolutely 'juiced' in a good fight.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
I think you have made a quality decision.
I must admit I am a little surprised though, considering you posted less than seven days ago...."I love this place".
I am hopeful that your departure provides more time for the things you value.