Originally Posted by Neckstadt
My real thought are the connections....
If they are pastors and have to leave their congregation where will they go?
If they have a small church will they be able to substain and survive?
If they evangelize who do they call?
It is out of fear of the unknown that many feel the need to connect.
The men who have left started relationships before they broke away...
Just my thoughts.....
There is the notion within the UPCI culture that if anyone leaves the UPCI that will be the end of ministry for them. While that may be true for some, my personal experience is that more doors have opened to me since leaving the UPC than did while I was in it. What I appreciate about these new open doors is that the opportunities are based upon your ministry, not upon the card you have in your wallet, or how well placed you are within an organization.
Within every organization you inevitably end up with a "good ole boys" network. Many youger men find it rather overwhelming trying to get accepted into the network. One of the growing problems within the UPC is that the younger generation is not into "branding" like previous generations have been. They don't feel as committed to the UPC brand.
The present bruhaha certainly won't help deal with this challenge. Young men tend to become disillusioned when they see older men they have respected engaged in spiritual mud wrestling bouts. Everyone involved gets dirty and the younger generation is often left with the daunting task of cleaning up the mess left behind, and a weakened organization.
Time has certainly proven one thing for sure. The AS has certainly left the UPCI a weaker, not stronger organization. I don't not say this to bash the UPCI. It's just an observation from someone outside looking in.