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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 02-10-2008, 06:31 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

This is what happens when one writes a by-law with their head up their back-side. You get a mess even flies don't want to fly around.

Never again will I criticize the pharisees as long as the World Pharisee Federation attempts biblical revisionism.

Originally Posted by pepper View Post
From WWPF by-law:

I will also avoid having television, or other Hollywood or Hollywood-type productions and movies in my home or elsewhere. I will further refrain from engaging in any other such unacceptable programs or materials via radio, internet or any other present or future technology. I will limit my use of all forms of communication technology to that which is, educational, business, or otherwise wholesome and edifying.

Question: As this statement prohibits television in any form or fashion, why does it allow internet (barring unacceptable programs) to squeeze in under educational, business or otherwise wholesome and edifying? HMMMMMMM??? Are they saying a televison is more likely to destroy a person spiritually than the internet????????????????? It appears silly to have an internet site for your church but feel the need to form another organization because the UPC now allows advertising on television. Just looking for some principle here.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 02-11-2008, 02:22 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Is there a prohibtion against Louis L'amour books or the Readers Digest? Because if so this org. is doomed for failure!
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Old 02-11-2008, 02:26 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

I hear they are debating about banning National Geographic.

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Is there a prohibtion against Louis L'amour books or the Readers Digest? Because if so this org. is doomed for failure!
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 02-11-2008, 02:35 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by tv1a View Post
I hear they are debating about banning National Geographic.
When I was growing up every boy counted on Natoinal Geographic for his first look at certain parts of the female anatomy normally not exposed in Western culture!
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Old 02-11-2008, 02:42 PM
ogatt ogatt is offline
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Is there a prohibtion against Louis L'amour books or the Readers Digest? Because if so this org. is doomed for failure!
louis l'amour is wrong. Its just killing in the middle of a geography lesson.
readers dgest. laughter the best medicine?? i dont believe in laughter or medicine
Better Homes and Garden. This is the reason for people losing their homes. Gotta a have BETTER home. The garden of eden was a garden and look what happened.

Only the bible should be in the house and the King James Only!!!

. I was talkin one day to a man who told me he sold rare bibles for lots of money. I told him i used to have one called gutinberg guten something and i threw it in the garbage. He said "you had a gutenburg bible??????" that was worth a fortune.

I said "not this old bible, some heathern named martin luther had scribbled all over it"
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Old 02-11-2008, 02:54 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by ogatt View Post
louis l'amour is wrong. Its just killing in the middle of a geography lesson.
readers dgest. laughter the best medicine?? i dont believe in laughter or medicine
Better Homes and Garden. This is the reason for people losing their homes. Gotta a have BETTER home. The garden of eden was a garden and look what happened.

Only the bible should be in the house and the King James Only!!!

. I was talkin one day to a man who told me he sold rare bibles for lots of money. I told him i used to have one called gutinberg guten something and i threw it in the garbage. He said "you had a gutenburg bible??????" that was worth a fortune.

I said "not this old bible, some heathern named martin luther had scribbled all over it"
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Old 02-11-2008, 03:03 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by ogatt View Post
louis l'amour is wrong. Its just killing in the middle of a geography lesson.
readers dgest. laughter the best medicine?? i dont believe in laughter or medicine
Better Homes and Garden. This is the reason for people losing their homes. Gotta a have BETTER home. The garden of eden was a garden and look what happened.

Only the bible should be in the house and the King James Only!!!

. I was talkin one day to a man who told me he sold rare bibles for lots of money. I told him i used to have one called gutinberg guten something and i threw it in the garbage. He said "you had a gutenburg bible??????" that was worth a fortune.

I said "not this old bible, some heathern named martin luther had scribbled all over it"

LOL!! With this post you have gone over the top and ruined the image of the unlearned ultra con you had developed.*

*disclaimer. This is not to say all ultra cons are unlearned, only that this poster had donned the personna of one.
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Old 02-11-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Ogatt knows how to spell "Gutenburg!"
Ogatt knows how to spell "Gutenburg!"
Ogatt knows how to spell "Gutenburg!"
Ogatt knows how to spell "Gutenburg!"
Ogatt knows how to spell "Gutenburg!"
Ogatt knows how to spell "Gutenburg!"
Ogatt knows how to spell "Gutenburg!"
Ogatt knows how to spell "Gutenburg!"

He certainly IS NOT an ULTRA CON...he clearly has an advanced biblical education...
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Old 02-12-2008, 05:33 PM
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by pepper View Post
From WWPF by-law:

I will also avoid having television, or other Hollywood or Hollywood-type productions and movies in my home or elsewhere. I will further refrain from engaging in any other such unacceptable programs or materials via radio, internet or any other present or future technology. I will limit my use of all forms of communication technology to that which is, educational, business, or otherwise wholesome and edifying.

Question: As this statement prohibits television in any form or fashion, why does it allow internet (barring unacceptable programs) to squeeze in under educational, business or otherwise wholesome and edifying? HMMMMMMM??? Are they saying a televison is more likely to destroy a person spiritually than the internet????????????????? It appears silly to have an internet site for your church but feel the need to form another organization because the UPC now allows advertising on television. Just looking for some principle here.
After reading all of the posts and jokes and blah, blah, blahs, (which were very funny, by the way); I did want to leave my two cents and say that no one wants to preach against the internet because then they would have to get rid of their email and all of their research when preparing for their messages.

And I did want to pose another question: If the UPC's AOF state that ministers are not supposed to have TVs, and the ministers of my church do NOT have TVs, but I do (not being a minister), and I considered liberal? Am I considered backslidden and in rebellion? What if the minister doesn't preach against it? Is he/she considered to be liberal? Hmmmm, just stirring the pot...
“If you happen to meet a crocodile, don't stick your head in its mouth. Every now and then, and who knows the reason, people ignore this advice, which is sad because they die, but very stupid because they were warned. They had a choice. The moral of the story is this — you can't afford to be stupid. There are crocodiles.”
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Old 02-12-2008, 07:26 PM
Dan'D Dan'D is offline
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Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:

Originally Posted by lilanastasia View Post
After reading all of the posts and jokes and blah, blah, blahs, (which were very funny, by the way); I did want to leave my two cents and say that no one wants to preach against the internet because then they would have to get rid of their email and all of their research when preparing for their messages.

And I did want to pose another question: If the UPC's AOF state that ministers are not supposed to have TVs, and the ministers of my church do NOT have TVs, but I do (not being a minister), and I considered liberal? Am I considered backslidden and in rebellion? What if the minister doesn't preach against it? Is he/she considered to be liberal? Hmmmm, just stirring the pot...
I don’t believe just having TV in your home makes you a backslider by it self.
Unless your pastor preaches against it? If not, he should. If your pastor don’t allow his ministers to have a TV yet for anyone else its OK, Why. What is the difference?
I was taught that the reason to have a Platform standard is to be an example. What does being an example mean.

Does the ministers serve a different God that requires less.

Jesus was our example and we need to be more like him.

But beyond that why would you bring such a thing into your home?

Even if my pastor did not preach against it, I would not allow it in my home if for no other reason it’s a waist of time and I would not want to influence my kids or even myself with it. The commercials by its self has no right in a Godly mans home. Let alone the other programs.

In stead of asking ourselves why not have a TV the question should be Why would we?

Me and my family would never have time to watch it if we had one.

I love news and on XM radio I get my fill. Fox new and all.

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