Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
I was raised in Trinitarian Pentecost and was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at the age of 5. I started preaching at 16 and held my first license to preach at age 16. I was educated in "Trinitarian" Bible Colleges. I have never heard a "Three God" message in my life.
It is by the grace and mercy of God that I received the Revelation of Jesus Christ and know Him as the Mighty God. I am thankful that I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and I identify with HIM as my Messiah, Lord and God. It is a shame that we want to resort to name calling and bashing to lift up out theological position.
IMHO - Most in the Oneness movement - have been TAUGHT Oneness Theology and Wesleyan Holiness Ideology and have NEVER had a true Revelation of Jesus Christ. They know Him with head knowledge but not in a true Revelation of who He is!
You have a wonderful testamoney. i dont agree with your assessment of Oneness people though.
I dont see trinitarians as 3 God believers, but I do find it quite difficult to keep a straight face when they get to talking about 3 persons and such.
I know One God who has saved my eternal soul. I am doubly thankful that 4 generations ago, a Wesleyan Methodist Holiness lady found the Truth of Oneness and recieved the Holy Ghost. my great grandmother was a preacher of this wonderful Truth and I am saved today because of it.
I believe it is no coincidence that it was Holiness people that God moved on in the early part of the 20th century.