Originally Posted by kenod
No, I believe the 7 angels of the 7 churches in Rev chapters 2 & 3 are men. Many people believe they are the pastors of the churches in John's day - I also believe they are 7 messengers to 7 historical church ages: the last three being Martin Luther, John Wesly, and William Branham.
(Note: The same word for "angel" is used for John the Baptist. Mat 11:10; Luke 7:27)
OH!! It sounds much wierder than it is when you simply say "do you believe Brahman was the 7th angel?" to people who don't know what you are talking about...
so... a few questions (if you will... and all of these are assuming what you say is correct, I don't feel like typing that phrase 100 times):
so we have:
Paul, ????, ???, ???, Luther, Wesley, Branham
who are the "blanks"??? Or is that unknown???
are these churches suppose to be progressing to good???
how do the warnings/praises apply to these people and the churches they were the head of?
How did the 1st century church leave thier first love? Is that referring to Judaism because Paul took the church away from the Law?
And I guess the real question is did they heed the warning?
Sardis would be Luther, then.... I guess that kind of makes sense if you look at it like that... I'm taking it you take he is suppose to wake up the church from the dormancy that they suffered in during the Catholic reign during the dark ages...
how does Philadelphia apply to Wesley's time???
and well, I easily see how the modern church is lukewarm... I'm not sure about seeing it as Brahman, but I see how it could apply to this age...
I guess my biggest issue is I'm not sure there were 7 "church ages", I would say that's a stretch... I would say that those middle 3 between Paul and Luther are what this whole thing hinges on and if you don't have decent answers for where those are, this whole thing falls apart...
interesting theory, though, although, again, I'm very not convinced that Brahman is the 7th...