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Old 08-06-2007, 04:08 PM

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Originally Posted by LadyRev View Post
I haven't read all the posts but I've read enough to wonder...

For those that are against people having more children than they may be able to afford and therefore need government help...

Do you drive a car? Do you ride in a car? If you were involved in an accident and were disabled, would you accept government help? If so, how dare you! You don't have to drive or ride in a car. Take the bus! Ride a bike! Walk! Don't go! Be a hermit and stay home. Have groceries delivered. Thats the surest safest route. I mean really. You can't be doing stuff that might cause you to have to accept government aid! Thats not fair to us taxpayers! We don't want to pay for your desire for a car!

Whats that? You have a boat, a motorcycle and a 4 wheeler too? How dare you take such risks!

There is a difference, and a big one at that. First off most don't ask to be lamed, were as these folks are asking! Last I have no problem paying for thoese in need, just have issues with those who bring another mouth into the world to feed when they can't feed or take care of their own needs ! This is called common sense, something people seemly are lacking these day~

Yes it true, the dummy down of America is in full force!
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Old 08-06-2007, 04:14 PM

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My wife and I have been debating for several weeks over whether or not to adopt a "senior" dog to add to our existing 2 dogs. I believe we put more thought in how many dogs to own than MANY people put in how many children to have...
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Old 08-06-2007, 04:15 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
As a woman who has dealt with the pain of infertility, I want you to know that I am HIGHLY offended by that last remark! How dare you assume that just because someone doesn't have birth children, that it is that way by choice and that they are happy about it?!!!
I'm glad you brought this up, since you have the voice of authority on the topic. I'm with you. I've known people who couldn't, or were medically limited to one or two, and have seen the pain of regret in their eyes.

This same cavalier attitude (has nothing to do with General Motors) is responsible for the long, long line of couples waiting to adopt - which happens to be about the same number as that of women executing their "right to choose."

I do believe that there are people who, for whatever reason, choose not to be parents. And that is perfectly FINE. But I do not believe that those people should condemn those who do choose to have children - no matter how many.
To be fair to our misguided friend, no actual condemning took place. There were, however, some negative insinuations . . .

I also know that there are people who choose to have as many children as God will allow them. They are financially able to provide for them. They have the stamina it takes to do it. And they have enough love, time and patience to do a great job. But I also do not believe those people should condemn those who, for whatever reason, choose not to have children.

These are very personal choices to make in life. They should stay PERSONAL.
I agree with you almost 100%.

I will share, and have shared, the reasons behind my choices because I don't want others to experience the unpleasant awakening that I have had. Some of the "choices" offered to the public aren't ethically compatible with (Fundamental?) Christianity, and the vendors of the products and methods are not in any hurry to make these finer points clear.
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Old 08-06-2007, 04:17 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Originally Posted by aquestioninggirl View Post
She must not have any probelms during her pregnancies. I have had several scares with both of mine and because of that this will be my last. Now if something were to come up and we could adopt some more I would be all for it.
Large families are not for everybody. The wise thing to do is avail yourself of modern medicine, but educate yourself on how the various things work. Everything has a side-effect.
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Despite today's rising cost of living, it remains popular.

"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Old 08-06-2007, 04:23 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Originally Posted by CupCake View Post
I have no issues with it if they can afford it and not rely on the Welfare System to support them and the children are not being emotionally neglected.
Well, your approval was the final item on my checklist. Hooray! Now where'd my wife go ? ? ?

IMOP I think the wife is lacking something within and having baby after baby is filling the need,
And your psychological evaluation of a complete stranger is valid because . . . . . . ????

at this point when is enough , enough?
This rhetorical question is disturbing when you follow it rationally to its final argument, or should I say final solution.

Sooner or later her clock will ticker out
So, would you say that ultimately, it's her problem?

or they'll run out J's....~
Engineering solutions for theological problems.

Despite today's rising cost of living, it remains popular.

"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Sir Winston Churchill

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." - Benjamin Franklin
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Old 08-06-2007, 04:44 PM

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And your psychological evaluation of a complete stranger is valid because . . . . . . ????
I have follow this story for awhile, it not new they've been on 20/20, Good Morning America and Nighline and many Magazines, Newspapers for the last couple of years. I think any parents, whether giving birth or through adopted and has raised children will tell you, it's alot pleasure and hard work, but the fact is there only so much of you that can go around, and something going to be lacking when your spread out that far.

This rhetorical question is disturbing when you follow it rationally to its final argument, or should I say final solution.

So, would you say that ultimately, it's her problem
It's not just her fault, the husband as well if not more so, by now you think he be saying, "hey honey we have 17 healthy children and your still her to enjoy them! " They, both parents need to be responsible to the 17 they have, and realize they need to be there for them.

That's awful~
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Old 08-06-2007, 05:25 PM
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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
Here in Wisconsin and in most states we ARE paying for everyone else's kids. If your claiming each kid as a deduction on your taxes, then "we're" paying for it -IF you claim any. The majority of our 2000 property tax bill is also going to pay for the "other" kids education.
This family pays for their children's education. I know many large families that homeschool. When you homeschool you pay your taxes and pay for your child's education. Basically paying twice.
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Old 08-06-2007, 06:07 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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I've seen this family several times on TV and I admire them. And I didn't see anyone mention that they are debt-free, but that's something I hope to do within the next two years, myself, and I have just two children!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My Countdown Counting down to: My world crashing to the ground.
Is this what being 40 is all about???
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Old 08-06-2007, 06:20 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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When you homeschool you pay your taxes and pay for your child's education. Basically paying twice.
Thats a travesty as well. I was home schooled my last two years (Junior and Senior) so know what that was like for my folks.
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Old 08-06-2007, 06:29 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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As a woman who has dealt with the pain of infertility, I want you to know that I am HIGHLY offended by that last remark! How dare you assume that just because someone doesn't have birth children, that it is that way by choice and that they are happy about it?!!!
First off, I was way off base with that remark and apologies. I was of course being tongue and cheek, coming specifically from OUR (my wife and I) feelings on the subject. We joke to ourself all the time but also are aware of others who take years and massive $$$ just to have that ONE kid (and often end up with twins or triplets as a result of the treatment).

I've always thought, if you have the finances and fortitude, have 10, 20, 50! And yes, adoption is a wonderful solution for these couples and know several myself. One couple adopted a little girl from India, and she is now a gorgeous 23 year old!

Again, I am sorry for being a bit too flippant with my comment.
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