Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
In the sense unsaved Repubs are lost they are of satan. In the sense of party platform or direction not necessarily. Democrats are pro child sacrifice and pro sodom AS A PARTY.
Republicans and Democrats both support Roe Vs Wade.
What I find pretty disappointing is that most Christians can't accept that politics are filled with liars. Unsaved Republicans? What is a saved Republican? Can you name all the saved Republican senators, governors, mayors, city officials
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Simply that perhaps the transformation of America INTO Mystery Babylon may not be completed.
Mystery Babylon in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on earth. When did the United States do this? What Old Testament prophet was killed in the United States? What Martyr of Jesus was killed in the United States? When speaking to the Pharisees didn't Jesus tell them, "upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar."
But, I'm will to understand what you actually believe, so please tell me if the United States hasn't turned into the Mother of All Whores, who exactly will she be committing whoredom with? Remember she also makes the comment in
Revelation 18:7 that she sits and queen and is no widow. Mike, who is she in covenant with? Must be a king, because she believes herself to be not just a queen, but one that is married. Who is this adulterous whore, committing adultery AGAINST?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
First off Gods people not need to geograhically come out of anywhere to have his seal of protection. They do need to spiritually come out of her which I believe we have done.
Revelation 2,000 years ago gave a strict command. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE! The reasons are given to not share in her sins. It is a prohibition, like touch not the unclean thing. For the Roman Catholic Mystery Babylon folks, they take it as not a hide within the Catholic Church. But a warning that one must leave the Catholic Church because it's Mystery Babylon. The Revelation says you need to vamoose, due to a warning of her sudden destruction will happening suddenly. So, you no having your little YouTube channel, and you holding court over on Paltalk, due to swift destruction at any moment. But, please, tell me what is the indicator in
Revelation 18:7 that it is an order to spiritually come out? Since the writer of
Revelation 18:7 is repeating the words of the Prophet Jeremiah, where do we see it being spiritually in
Jeremiah 51:45
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Think Goshen in Egypt.
While that sounds good in a sermon, it isn't what is happening in Revelation.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
If it becomes his will to geographically leave for his purposes he has ways.
Mike, of course he has His way. But it seems what you are implying it isn't found within the verses of the New Testament?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
The Jews were to leave Egypt in due time. But they didnt go anywhere until Moses came and led them.
Ok, who will be this Moses who will lead you, your wife, and the rest of the Christians out of the United States?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
There will be ministries in the end time that can lead the way if and when God gives the word.
I see, so it isn't a Moses, or a Jesus, but it is "ministries" plural. Ok, how will one know who these "ministries" are? Also you injected a very interesting word into your explanation. IF. This would lead me to believe that the above may not happen, or you aren't thoroughly convinced if it will ever happen? Instead of me guessing could you explain this? Still the Revelation warns its readers to vacate, or else they will be involved in the sins of the whore.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
As to indicators that we are actually at the edge of the great tribulation of 42 months I would be looking for the 2 witnesses to appear.
Will they be in the United States or Jerusalem? Will they physically spew fire from their mouths and kill people?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
A 10 nation alliance in the earth that allies with the man of sin.
So, if this never happens in your lifetime then what?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
A great move of the Spirit and then a falling away.
Great move of the Spirit? Then an Apostasy? Didn't that already happen? I mean Paul and the crew were the ones who had the original truth. Fresh, baked bread from Jesus Himself. They understood it pretty plain, it was during their time, their events, their culture, their language. No need to learn Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, or Latin. No Strong's or some preacher butchering the Greek from the pulpit. They were the first audience. They are THE TRUTH. If an apostacy happened it would of needed to happen to the original unperverted truth? Makes sense right? I mean not 2,000 years down the line where the apostacy morphed into about 50,5609 version of the original apostasy. But please, please explain the GREAT OUTPOURING and the GREAT APOSTASY in our far off future.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Building of a temple in Jerusalem.
MIKE!!! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. Who will build this temple? There isn't a lineage of the Zadokite priesthood anywhere on the planet?
Ezra 2:59-62, plainly says that if they can not show DOCUMENTATION of their GENEALOGY they are to be put from the priesthood as polluted. If God is going to bypass His Holy Scripture so a temple in the far off future can be constructed, then what verses do you use that God will have a High Priest with the Urim and Thummim appear 2,000 years after the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Mass martyrdom in America.
Hmm, who will be martyrdered?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
When I see one or a combination of these things occur I will think we are almost there.
I see, maybe you can help all of us to see these things. Looking forward to your explanations.