Originally Posted by allstate1
This post makes no sense to me and after reading it several times it only leads me to believe that you think each individual church is its own body.
I believe that every individual church is only a part of the body. I don't see where that post made you think that? As far as work goes I have held jobs that I had to miss church for. I don't condemn the career decisions you have made, but I would ask for you to consider if you are fulfilling the call God has on your life. Your right there is not a quota. Forsaking doesn't mean missing because you have to work, but it means not deserting your family. You said God - family - church. I propose to you that the church is your family. Sure, you are most accountable to your spouse and children, but the church shouldn't be just a club.
I believe you should have a local church that you are connected as best as you can (the time you are home attend, prayer partners within the church, elders you can call on for advice, etc.). The saints that were trying to pray you through were probably not meaning any offense, but I think that there should be more teaching on alter work. Pentecostals have ran off a lot of good people because of being unwise at alter calls.
Although you may have valid reasons for not attending regularly scheduled services you must understand that is not always the case with everyone. I have seen people first hand stop 1) having fellowship within the church 2) then missing services 3) then right back in sin. It doesn't always go that way, but it is very serious to cut off sources of spiritual nourishment. Any new doctrine that comes out saying you can do less for God I have to question. I think we should be seeking to do more.