Originally Posted by OnTheFritz
Technically, it displays the address of your current connection, not your account. The difference being that most people get a dynamic ip address assigned to them each time they (or their router) connects to the internet. So, from day to day, its not unusual for your ip address to vary.
Also, the octets "" are not valid - it would be "" which is assigned to a regional telecom in Brazil through the Latin America-Caribbean Internet Address Registry.
IP address:
Reverse DNS: [No reverse DNS entry per A.DNS.BR.]
Reverse DNS authenticity: [Unknown]
ASN: 28189
ASN Name: LACNIC-27648
IP range connectivity: 6
Registrar (per ASN): ARIN
Country (per IP registrar): BR [Brazil]
Country Currency: BRL [Brazil Real]
Country IP Range: to
Country fraud profile: Normal
City (per outside source): Unknown
Country (per outside source): -- []
Private (internal) IP? No
IP address registrar: whois.lacnic.net
Known Proxy? No
Link for WHOIS: