Yes, Justin I will. A little over 40 years ago I came as a young single girl to Brazil...Today thousands and thousands of souls have came to the Lord under my ministry. Of course it is not Janice Alvear but the obedience to the call of the Lord. My husband is the overseer and director however when I came I was only a female voice...
I personally believe in male leadership being God´s plan when at all possible so when I married at my wish I turned all leadeship over to my husband....and the there are maybe 500 or more preachers but it had it´s beginning in a little girl that God called.
We do have a few lady ministers and lady pastor´s ...not the norm but there are a few. Five of our adopted children their mother a preacher and national missionary was martyered many years ago...So among our people there is a great respect for ladies that toil in the fields...
Dear ones a true lady of God has no problem with male leadership that is not abusive...I have been around some precious men that I would have no trouble looking up to them as a leader...
Most of us women are not wanting to be Joan of enjoy having strong men for protection....
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
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Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
We just had our special services here and not once did I go to our high platform( we have 2 platforms)
Someone said and I over heard, "call the missionary to sit on the high platform..." the other answered, "she doesn´t like to sit up there..."
Dear ones....If you really want to do something for God you will not be worried about who gets the honor or glory...the people KNOW who works and who likes to be it matters not what sex you happen to be there is room to gleam in HIS fields....
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
As I pointed out before the verses in question don't prevent a woman from speaking in church at all. However I would not be ok with a woman pastor. I don't think that was God's design. However if not enough men step up then I can see God calling women.
A person can teach and not be a Pastor
You know, I've heard this same statement so many times, but every time I hear it, it sounds like God doesn't know what He's doing. I mean, if He's all-knowing, why do you suggest He uses women as a last resort? Isn't He all-knowing enough to find men who will step up?
We don't see in scripture where God calls someone to do a work, then just goes to someone else if that person doesn't step up, right? No, He is all-powerful enough to MAKE that person step up, and we see that several times in scripture.
But that statement highlighted above has no Biblical basis whatsoever. None. Women aren't second-class to God, but that's exactly what that statement sounds like.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
I am curious because there are so many ramifications to this way of thinking. Should an adult male walk out of a college class if his professor is a woman? Some would say "yes!". Should an adult male quit his job if his direct manager is a woman? Again, some would say yes.
Probably very few take it this far. However, the ramifications are huge. People who believe this say they are only believing what the Bible says. Therefore, they frame all their beliefs around what THEY believe the Bible says (and minimizing what the prophetesses and Deborah the Judge in the OT did). Sadly, when women are not allowed a place in the pastorate, they are ultimately devalued in some way, shape or form, irregardless of the strong desires of those who hold these beliefs NOT to devalue women. They say that women just have a different role, but ultimately women's votes on weighty matters of importance are ultimately excluded to the detriment of the whole organization that believes it.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb
When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
You know, I've heard this same statement so many times, but every time I hear it, it sounds like God doesn't know what He's doing. I mean, if He's all-knowing, why do you suggest He uses women as a last resort? Isn't He all-knowing enough to find men who will step up?
We don't see in scripture where God calls someone to do a work, then just goes to someone else if that person doesn't step up, right? No, He is all-powerful enough to MAKE that person step up, and we see that several times in scripture.
But that statement highlighted above has no Biblical basis whatsoever. None. Women aren't second-class to God, but that's exactly what that statement sounds like.
He is, but he won't. If he did, everyone would be saved - since he does not wish that any should perish...
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson
interesting. so God creates us all...male & female in His image...blesses us all with His grace, love, and us all gifts & talents...but then says that less than half are even "allowed" to pastor?
to be a true "pastor" a calling that God places on someone...who He has given the talents and abilites to perform the call. say that God only uses women as "pastors"...when qualified men are not willing is ridiculous. I know plenty of unqualified men who cash a check every week and have the title "pastor"...yet they are allowed to continue thier fraud...if only a Godly woman would step up. thats just goofy!!
God calls who He wants...and gifts us to answer His call. I do not believe God has one problem with a woman pastor, evangelist, prophet, teacher, or apostle. we do...not Him.