People don't or won't be voting based on how good a president either will be. It's all based on emotion. It's based on subjectivity.
Anyways...Obama's "Health Plan" sounds better than McCains but all in all both are just talking heads making promises they know they won't or can't keep.
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
People don't or won't be voting based on how good a president either will be. It's all based on emotion. It's based on subjectivity.
Anyways...Obama's "Health Plan" sounds better than McCains but all in all both are just talking heads making promises they know they won't or can't keep.
How can Obama's sound better when he is "mandating" coverage for our children? He says he isn't going to fine anyone. Well, if it's mandated than what is going to happen? McCain was as surprised as I was that Obama said the fine would be ZERO. Really? How can we be sure?
We have children in this country that have genetic issues with vaccines. These things need to be parental choice.
We never had our children covered under a medical plan. They are 23 and 20 years old now. We did not have one single medical issue with them all the years they were growing up. I'm against mandated health insurance.
Is everybody here satisfied with MCain's answer about Supreme Court Justices and Roev. Wade. I guess the stage is set for the apologists to explain it all away after his appointments and nothing is done about abortion. I forsee a Supremem Court made up entirely of GOP appointees upholding Roe v Wade. I'm surprised that this is such a central and traditional basis of so many people's support and there has been no reaction. I stand by my original assertion that the GOP has come to realize that they don't have to promise anything to enjoy this undying support.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Is everybody here satisfied with MCain's answer about Supreme Court Justices and Roev. Wade. I guess the stage is set for the apologists to explain it all away after his appointments and nothing is done about abortion. I forsee a Supremem Court made up entirely of GOP appointees upholding Roe v Wade. I'm surprised that this is such a central and traditional basis of so many people's support and there has been no reaction. I stand by my original assertion that the GOP has come to realize that they don't have to promise anything to enjoy this undying support.
I don't get your point on this issue. How can we overturn Roe vs. Wade for a secular, selfish society? How can we fight against the ingraining of Socialism and Feminism in the Public School System?
We can't force our hand against the will of the people. The GOP can't and I can't. I believe we can only look to the church to evangelize to make any difference at all.
I don't get your point on this issue. How can we overturn Roe vs. Wade for a secular, selfish society? How can we fight against the ingraining of Socialism and Feminism in the Public School System?
We can't force our hand against the will of the people. The GOP can't and I can't. I believe we can only look to the church to evangelize to make any difference at all.
PO, if we don't want or expect them to overthrow it, can we quit talking about it as the primary issue in every election cycle...and telling people they must support a group of politicians based on this or it is sinful?
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
PO, if we don't want or expect them to overthrow it, can we quit talking about it as the primary issue in every election cycle...and telling people they must support a group of politicians based on this or it is sinful?
No, I don't think it's sinful. We are wise as serpents and gentle as doves. We cannot make anyone kneel at the altar and repent when they visit our churches.
We can't expect this country to force their hand on the will of the people.
We have an awesome task before us to seek God for revival with all of our hearts and we can turn and say - Look what the Lord has done!!!
People don't or won't be voting based on how good a president either will be. It's all based on emotion. It's based on subjectivity.
Anyways...Obama's "Health Plan" sounds better than McCains but all in all both are just talking heads making promises they know they won't or can't keep.
On the Health Care issue:
McCain, Obama Trade Half-Truths on Health Care, Small Businesses
In fact, the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center estimates that Sen. McCain's health tax credit would actually be a better deal for the middle-income (as a group) than Sen. Obama's health plan for each of the next ten years."
"While Sen. Obama is technically correct to point out that only a small fraction of small businesses would be hit by his tax hikes, it's not a relevant statistic," Prante continues. "If one assumes taxes on small business activity are especially important, we need to answer the question, How much would each candidate change the taxation of business-source income?' And the answer to that question is that Sen. Obama's tax hike would not be minor."
Read more:
Debate Tonight: Will the Real Truth Come Out on Anything?
Obama and McCain Tax Proposals Raise Marginal Tax Rates for Many Middle-Income Taxpayers
Marginal tax rates will rise to over 50 percent on some middle-income families if Sen. Obama's tax plan becomes law, and over 40 percent under Senator McCain's plan, according to a new report from the Tax Foundation.