I have nothing to get over. Couldn't care less. He's not coming to sing at my church any time this millenium so *shrug*. Someone started a thread, I responded. I still don't care for his music. I'm SURE you don't care for the music I like.
Great. Looks like I have a fan. Don't worry I don't obsess over ignorance so I'll leave you to go on your merry little way.
Until they close the doors on my login, I will choose to respond in any way I feel appropriate on any thread I choose. Same freedom you have.
For someone who really, really doesn't care, you seem to have a lot to say on the matter...
I have nothing to get over. Couldn't care less. He's not coming to sing at my church any time this millenium so *shrug*. Someone started a thread, I responded. I still don't care for his music. I'm SURE you don't care for the music I like.
Great. Looks like I have a fan. Don't worry I don't obsess over ignorance so I'll leave you to go on your merry little way.
Until they close the doors on my login, I will choose to respond in any way I feel appropriate on any thread I choose. Same freedom you have.
It's obvious that you continue being bitter. In addition, you might also be constipated. Might I suggest a late night snack consisting of recalled hamburger, rotten potatoes, and wash it down with warm milk mixed with a dash of cayenne pepper? That'll fix both problems.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
They are not natural tendencies Margie, and the Word tells us that. That it is unnatural for men to lie with men, and women to lie with women. It is an abomination to God. He did not make Ray Boltz or any other gay/lesbian that way. It is a life they chose themselves for earthly pleasures that last for a season but that can send their souls to hell for eternity. That is what the Word tells us.
While I agree that it is a sin, I find it difficult to claim to know what someone with these tendencies goes through. I would hesitate to assume that it is some fun thing they are doing because they want to sin for a season. I guarantee you that most gay people would rather NOT have those tendencies. Life would certainly be much easier. I try to imagine how difficult it would be if I had the same feelings for men that I currently have for women. While it may not be "natural", it is a tendency that occurs for whatever reason. Environmental, psychological, etc. HOW you came to be that way wouldn't make it any easy to ignore.
Praying for Ray Boltz.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's obvious that you continue being bitter. In addition, you might also be constipated. Might I suggest a late night snack consisting of recalled hamburger, rotten potatoes, and wash it down with warm milk mixed with a dash of cayenne pepper? That'll fix both problems.
It's obvious that you continue being bitter. In addition, you might also be constipated. Might I suggest a late night snack consisting of recalled hamburger, rotten potatoes, and wash it down with warm milk mixed with a dash of cayenne pepper? That'll fix both problems.
I'm just flipped out.....that's about all I can say! Is there no one who can overcome ungodliness as a good soldier? Sure battling sin is tough! That's why it's called a fight! But it is a good fight!
You don't fight, you get defeated! Plain and simple! What a cop out to say that it is just too hard! How hard was it for Jesus to say, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me?" But he ended up saying, "Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done!"
That is what overcomers do. Sometimes you don't get OVER things....you just have to get THROUGH them...day by day, prayer by prayer!! No, it's not easy...but I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards