I've come to the conclusion that you women who want to wear pants are going to find a loop hole no matter what. I know how coon feels now. IF you want a way out to wear pants no matter what any one says you and others will reason it out period. There is a way that seems right but the END is destruction. you might win the argument on paper,i'm certain makes you feel all the more justified,but the spiritual destruction that is taking place before our very eyes is the Real Proof in the pudding. Anyone who cannot see it has spiritual blinders on.
Thad, I realize that you are posting your feelings based on what others have told you, but until you study this out for yourself, you will continue just repeating the same things over and over.
I did that for a long time, myself. Even after getting the internet, for several years I debated over and over, but all I was doing was repeating what I'd been told all my life. I posted the words you also post above. It was when I decided to study things out for myself that I found out the truth.
I'm not here seeking justification for my actions, regardless what they might be. I live according to the word of God and will continue to do so.
I totally understand why you believe as you do and that's ok. I still love ya.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
When it comes to Thad, I don't require anything of him because he not only speaks as a man (cause he is one), but is only repeating what he's been told. Until he does some research on his own, the only answers he'll give are what has been told to him by someone else.
Lol~ .... I agree~
The thing is once you learn something you been taught as a truth is not so, you begin to wonder what other so- called truths are not so so true! This house of sandy many have built on false truths will cave in once they dig around ~
I've come to the conclusion that you women who want to wear pants are going to find a loop hole no matter what. I know how coon feels now. IF you want a way out to wear pants no matter what any one says you and others will reason it out period. There is a way that seems right but the END is destruction. you might win the argument on paper,i'm certain makes you feel all the more justified,but the spiritual destruction that is taking place before our very eyes is the Real Proof in the pudding. Anyone who cannot see it has spiritual blinders on.
Thad all that said, Duet 22:5 has nothing to do with wearing pant! Please go study this matter out for yourself, even pastors can be wrong~
400 years ago, when pants for men first came on the scene, it was considered immodest attire and was rejected. It was also considered to be women's attire in some areas.
HeavenlyOne- Of course you make a great point but... what is the 400 years you speak of?
As far as I know, none of the men who signed the Constitution of the United States a little over 200 years ago wore pants as we know them today.
Thad all that said, Duet 22:5 has nothing to do with wearing pant! Please go study this matter out for yourself, even pastors can be wrong~
Thad has no reason to study this out for himself because it doesn't apply to him. This is why the men make comments to the women about seeking to justify themselves or looking for loopholes to do what they want to do.
It's easy to sit back and criticize someone else from your easy chair when the subject matter has nothing to do with you.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Thad has no reason to study this out for himself because it doesn't apply to him. This is why the men make comments to the women about seeking to justify themselves or looking for loopholes to do what they want to do.
It's easy to sit back and criticize someone else from your easy chair when the subject matter has nothing to do with you.
Do you believe the 10 commandments no longer apply to us ????
afterall, that's old testament law
since the holyghost came, keeping the sabbath was the only one of the 10 laws that was done away with and that is quite obvious. it's evident that lying , stealing, adultery is yet a moral sin however Jesus came to fulfill the sabbath. paul said in Col 2:16 we are no longer judged according to meats or sabbath days
When you all start having your boys were their sister's frilly sunday dresses then come and let's talk. until then, don't tell me that you don't believe that Duet 22 does not apply