Originally Posted by votivesoul
If any of you go and break dear Sister Barb's heart with this thread, I might send you on an all-expense-paid vacation for the next few days. 
Lol thank you, but I have come to expect no less here, which is why unless I really have something to say I lay back...
It is just disturbing that we can't have a positive thread about some really good Word and salvation reports without pulling in a negative jab at somebody.
I have known Bishop Wilson since he was my pastor in the early 70s and I never heard any of this... and tho' he and I would disagree on this point, as we do on some other points which have no bearing on salvation and holiness, I don't see why we have to go there here...
IF he has believed it for years he certainly never taught it to me when he was 26 years old and my pastor...