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Old 04-12-2013, 01:32 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: The Commands of Jesus

Well, you say you digress, after putting your finger on the problem? We come from death-centric models of Christianity, and no one is interested in that anymore. It isn't a puzzle.
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Old 04-13-2013, 07:27 AM
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Re: The Commands of Jesus

Originally Posted by bbyrd009 View Post
Well, you say you digress, after putting your finger on the problem? We come from death-centric models of Christianity, and no one is interested in that anymore. It isn't a puzzle.
No it is not a puzzle, the puzzle is why so many are still willing to be led around by the ring in their nose, instead of personal study. As an example one of the largest religious organizations keep their people in this state by telling them only the church can interprete scripture properly.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 04-13-2013, 10:51 AM
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A.W. Bowman A.W. Bowman is offline
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Re: The Commands of Jesus

A few follow up notes for the serious student of the Word of God:

I suspect that by now enough people have at least looked at the list of commandments (laws, instructions) of Jesus to either (1) take up the responsibility of digging into the word of God for themselves, or (2) have decided to stick with what it is they already know and are comfortable with.

For those who are interested in becoming a better example of what it means to be a disciple of Christ, and love Him and obey Him, then I would recommend that you do not attempt to make the transition into "apostolic maturity" in a week or two. Like most things in life, it is a process.

My suggestion is to pick out one of the different categories of instructions and start with one that you think you do rather well with. For example, if you think you do well in the area of faith. In your devotional time take one of Christ's instructions and read it from the scripture - within the context of the entire paragraph in which the instruction is located - even the entire chapter or even the entire book if necessary.

Do you understand what the instruction is and what it means and how to apply it to your life? Next, look for a parallel passage (the same subject is addressed again) by the same author in the same book, then in another book by the same author, if any. Then see if another author address the same subject in one of their writings. Compare all of the passages that address this same instruction or subject. Take notes. Keep a journal.

Critical question: Are you interpreting the Bible according to what it actually says, or according to how you have been told to interpret it? In applying biblical instructions to your life, are you applying them according to some tradition or local custom so you can continue to "fit in", or do you apply what the word says in order to please God? The difference, if any, may not be easy to identify at first.

A review: Go through the list of subject instructions, start with one subject and one instruction and pray about it. Do a self check, do you actually understand what the instruction means? Do you obey that instruction as Jesus intended for you to do it? How well you live it? What is the fruit of your life in this area?

If you are a teacher of the word of God - How well are you doing?

What kind of bias filters are you applying to your teaching?
-Your own cultural, religious, past personal and spiritual experiences, denominational (organizational) training, personal biases and beliefs, agendas, etc.

Have you checked the historical background for your teaching?
How did the hearers of the word respond to the teaching/event (if known)?
How does the instruction(s) fit in, reflect, impact their religious environment?
What do the key words mean, in the context of the passage (translate/define using a good lexicon).

What is the foundational instructional message and in what way(s) can/should it be applied individually and collectively in today's culture and church environment?

For all: Please count the costs before you get too far into this level of study.

Depending on where the Spirit and the word leads you, you could find yourself without very many friends. The cost of Christ centered discipleship could end up costing you everything you once prized the most highly.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.

Last edited by A.W. Bowman; 04-13-2013 at 11:10 AM.
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Old 04-13-2013, 12:49 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: The Commands of Jesus

HA! I'd say that that is your chief indicator that you are on the right track,
Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
No it is not a puzzle, the puzzle is why so many are still willing to be led around by the ring in their nose, instead of personal study. As an example one of the largest religious organizations keep their people in this state by telling them only the church can interprete scripture properly.
You state the problem succinctly. It is possible to believe that you are devotedly following Christ, and be completely fooled. Any student worth their salt could LOL at this 'church,' and it's leadership; with Scripture. They mean to take the place of the Holy Spirit? Blasphemy, pure and simple. Don't let anyone interpret Scripture for you. Period.
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Old 04-13-2013, 04:14 PM
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Re: The Commands of Jesus

In my opinion what you state here:

For all: Please count the costs before you get too far into this level of study.

Depending on where the Spirit and the word leads you, you could find yourself without very many friends. The cost of Christ centered discipleship could end up costing you everything you once prized the most highly.
Is the basic Christian faith. We must count the cost, then forsake all and follow Christ which includes keeping his commandments.

14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Rev. 22:14

As a teacher of Gods word and kingdom I am compelled to tell the readers if you do not do this you can expect to be cast into Gehenna fire.
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Old 03-24-2022, 10:41 PM
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Re: The Commands of Jesus

Yes, I am back!

What is missing from the original post are instructions and examples on how to approach Christ's commandments. That is the world view expressed in the original language and translated texts.

Some of the material will be re-post of the original, but most of it is "new", and should have been written and posted prior to the commandment list. I apologize for that oversight. The foundation to studying the commandments really should having a good understand of Matthew chapters 5-7. It should provide an overview of the mindset of Jesus and His teaching style. Therefore, when one goes through list and go back and study the referenced scriptures you should be able to glean the spiritual message that each reference is working to commute.

May your studies be blessed.

Anyway, if anyone is still monitoring thread, let me know if you are interested.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.

Last edited by A.W. Bowman; 03-24-2022 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 03-24-2022, 10:43 PM
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Re: The Commands of Jesus

After my "vacation", I hope and pray that I did not leave anyone who posted hanging out there without a suitable response. If I did, I am truly sorry, please forgive me. Let me know and i will respond.

It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
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Old 03-24-2022, 11:55 PM
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Re: The Commands of Jesus

I tried several times to up-load the word file with no results. Help
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
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Old 03-27-2022, 04:17 PM
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Re: The Commands of Jesus

Okay, I found a way to make my missive available to anyone who wishes to read it. First go to my web site at, https://hatalmidim.boards.net/

In order to down load the articles you have to "join the forum". It is free and easy to join and to delete your membership, should you wish. No problem. And I had no voice in this "you have to join" requirement.

Then enter the following url:

That will take you to the post where the attachments can be downloaded.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.

Last edited by A.W. Bowman; 03-27-2022 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 03-29-2022, 01:37 AM
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Re: The Commands of Jesus

If you export the document as a pdf from Word, you can then upload the pdf as an attachment to a post here in the forum.
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Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

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