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Old 04-16-2009, 04:33 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

We face Mecca by shortest distance.

You are off the subject and have some studying to do. You know so much and can quote so much from and about the Quran but believe in the Bible. Please shed some light for me on the specifically mentioned discrepencies in the Bible.

I will in charity help you get started. The first one is II Samuel 24:1 / I Chronicles 21:1 So which was it? God or Satan who incited David to count the men of Isreal? Who actually WROTE the Bible anyway? Were the words inspired one way to one author and another way to another? Were the authors confused? Which authors were right and which made 'errors'? It would be good to know that - you would especially not want to live your entire life following and believing the wrong one would you? I have an additional and very comprehensive detailed list from the New Testament. The "apostle" Paul aka "I have become all things to all men....but if through my falsehood God's truthfulness abounds..." was especially bad about discrepencies between his message and that of Jesus, who was truly sent by God to man and the desciples of Jesus who physically spent time with Jesus. I did not, however, wish to overwhelm you. But, I am confused. I was taught that Moses wrote the book of Deuteronomy. (spelling?) Yet Moses' death was described there. So did Moses write about his death or did someone else add to or actually write the book attributed to Moses?

I requested (2) things: The first was to somehow explain the listed and specific discrepencies in the Bible. The second was to list discrepencies in the Quran. After that you are then free to continue to tell me what I feel, what I intend, what I say, what I mean, and what I do.
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Old 04-16-2009, 05:01 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
We face Mecca by shortest distance.
If this is true, how can Muslims, very often, within the same building face different directions if this is true? At other times within the same city?
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Old 04-16-2009, 05:07 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
You are off the subject and have some studying to do. You know so much and can quote so much from and about the Quran but believe in the Bible. Please shed some light for me on the specifically mentioned discrepencies in the Bible.

I will in charity help you get started. The first one is II Samuel 24:1 / I Chronicles 21:1 So which was it? God or Satan who incited David to count the men of Isreal? Who actually WROTE the Bible anyway? Were the words inspired one way to one author and another way to another? Were the authors confused? Which authors were right and which made 'errors'? It would be good to know that - you would especially not want to live your entire life following and believing the wrong one would you? I have an additional and very comprehensive detailed list from the New Testament. The "apostle" Paul aka "I have become all things to all men....but if through my falsehood God's truthfulness abounds..." was especially bad about discrepencies between his message and that of Jesus, who was truly sent by God to man and the desciples of Jesus who physically spent time with Jesus. I did not, however, wish to overwhelm you. But, I am confused. I was taught that Moses wrote the book of Deuteronomy. (spelling?) Yet Moses' death was described there. So did Moses write about his death or did someone else add to or actually write the book attributed to Moses?

I requested (2) things: The first was to somehow explain the listed and specific discrepencies in the Bible. The second was to list discrepencies in the Quran. After that you are then free to continue to tell me what I feel, what I intend, what I say, what I mean, and what I do.
These "alleged" discrepancies are taught within the first, or two year of any reputable Bible College. They have been documented again and again and again by various Bible scholars. Is that the best "puzzle" or discrepancy you can give us? Certainly there are better ones than that.
The discepancies in the Quran are numerous, including the birthplace of Jesus (it's not Jerusalem).
Now I'll ask you, why would you follow a prophet who marries a 6 year old girl, and consummates the "marriage" when she reaches 9 years old. He's a pedophile. This year, there was news that a man in the Middle East was forbidden to do this same thing. Why is it wrong for him, but OK for your greatest prophet?
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Old 04-16-2009, 07:39 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

"Walks in Islam"
*How could Muhammed have written The Quran if he was illiterate, as demonstrated by a number of historians?
*How is it that blasphemy against Muhammed is punishable by death, but blasphemy against Allah is not? Is Muhammed greater than Allah?
*Why should we consider the miracle legends in the Hadith authentic when the Quran portays Muhammed as refusing to perform such Miracles (Sura 3:181-84;6:8-9; 29:48-50)?
The Quran is nothing more than a Middle Eastern version of "The Book of Mormon." A series of self fulfilling "visions" and "revelations" written by one man, claiming to be a prophet, with himself as his witness. Pooey.
The Bible "discepancies" you list are good, but what about others? Such as in some Gospel accounts, Jesus is speaking with one theif on a cross (so there's only one other man being crucified), while in other accounts there are two men on two different crosses? Or how about the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2? Are there two creations, or one?
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Old 04-17-2009, 12:30 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

I am puzzled. You have SEEN Muslims pray in the same place facing different directions?

Originally Posted by Thomas Trini View Post
If this is true, how can Muslims, very often, within the same building face different directions if this is true? At other times within the same city?
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Old 04-17-2009, 01:05 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Truth? I simply got tired of typing. I will now put aside typing up the other 100 or so as honestly I did not feel like doing the first list. I just wanted to close Prax's arguing and I (at least for the time being) appear to have been successful. He is now bashing every comment from me on other parts of the forum and doing everything possible to avoid this question. (laughing)

Now I will be serious and stop the flippant comments.

I chose Islam because the base beliefs, teachings, and lifestyle (see original post before this became a this-for-that discussion) match my own values and I prefer the more conservative values and teachings of Islam to what is taught and practiced in modern churches today. There is no other reason. I do not wish more wives lol or any of the other "extras" that are associated with Muslims etc etc (laughing at the thought)

I also do not know every detail of Mohammed's life. If you have ever at least tried to research Islam you will understand that said research involves wading through arabic translations and once translation starts, the mismatches begin. So unfortunately I am the wrong one to explain or justify anything that was or has been said concerning any of his activities. I know this, whether he practiced what he preached his TEACHINGS appear to me to reflect a high moral standard that few can achieve.

Originally Posted by Thomas Trini View Post
These "alleged" discrepancies are taught within the first, or two year of any reputable Bible College. They have been documented again and again and again by various Bible scholars. Is that the best "puzzle" or discrepancy you can give us? Certainly there are better ones than that.
The discepancies in the Quran are numerous, including the birthplace of Jesus (it's not Jerusalem).
Now I'll ask you, why would you follow a prophet who marries a 6 year old girl, and consummates the "marriage" when she reaches 9 years old. He's a pedophile. This year, there was news that a man in the Middle East was forbidden to do this same thing. Why is it wrong for him, but OK for your greatest prophet?
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Old 04-17-2009, 02:08 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

I must confess that I was briefly tempted to list the sexual proclivities of other Biblical heroes but to what purpose. Rather I choose to profess that the list of examples of God's mercy and forgiveness of sometimes terrible and sinful acts are more than there is server memory to store.
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Old 04-17-2009, 12:55 PM
oletime oletime is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

hey prax, since he said he was from houston, do you suppose he is in the oil bidness and that is the reason he is in saudia arabia now, a work transfer ? he can bash us but he doent mind spending the" great satans money" in their words !
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Old 04-17-2009, 02:39 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

I bashed you where again?

Originally Posted by oletime View Post
hey prax, since he said he was from houston, do you suppose he is in the oil bidness and that is the reason he is in saudia arabia now, a work transfer ? he can bash us but he doent mind spending the" great satans money" in their words !
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Old 04-17-2009, 04:09 PM
Thomas Trini Thomas Trini is offline
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
I am puzzled. You have SEEN Muslims pray in the same place facing different directions?
Yep. That's why I asked if you guys needed a compass when you prayed. I almost fall on the floor (laughing) when I see it. Don't they know which direction the sun rises from?
BTW, I believe Mecca is closer to us from the east than the west (or north, northeast or south for that matter). Of course, if you circle the earth enough times in any direct, you eventually reach Mecca I suppose.
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