You know, I was on a road trip twice now where someone popped in a "christian" book on tape that was full of vivid descriptions of violence, sex (not steamy scenes, but allusions to), and stuff. I heard more negative from that "christian" book on tape in an hour than I would from 1/2 hour of news. That's saying something.
I haven't read any vampire books lately. I need a dark and dreary fall night for that, with wind howling and things going bump in the night... But if they aren't full of violence and sex and inroads to occult practices, they're better than some of what is being touted as "christian" in bookstores today.
I do agree with this statement. I am a big fan of Christian fiction, because I really don't like TV much at all, and reading is my hobby. I read alot of biographies, but I love good Christian fiction too. I read alot of Karen Kingsbury and authors like her, but I steer away from some of the stuff that's on the Christian shelves at the bookstore. Some of it doesn't seem to have any Christian truths or principles to it at all.
..."I think we can redeem a vampire," said Bateman, adding that she won't be a spoiler and disclose her character's fate. "I don't think this is a despair too dark to pull out of."
What are your thoughts on the above statement by this Christian writer Tracey Bateman?
Here in lies the crux of the matter - 'AFTER ONE IS DEAD but floating around by Satans power THEY CAN BE SAVED' Statements like this sounds sort of Roman Catholic.
These kinds of allusions turn Christianity (WITH THE PUBLIC and WITH CHILDREN and WITH THE NONCHURCHED SEGMENT OF CHRISTIANITY) on its head.