Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover
It is very necessary - I have not seen a discussion here, where baptism was considered dispensable. The question is rather, "Does God place someone in right standing with Him at the moment of baptism, but not a moment before?"
Actually the question is deeper than that. One can be considered in right of heart or standing and not have realized the cross or atonement of Christ yet.
1) Faith or proper response to God is considered "that which is right" or righteous
God declaring a person toward him or of right heart does not mean they have been united with Christ per
2) To be united with Christ is to be united in his death at baptism. Thus we are put on or united with the cross/sacrifice.
Mat 5:23 So then, if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother
has something against you,
Mat 5:24 leave your gift there in front of the altar.
First go and
be reconciled to your brother and
then come and present your gift.
The sequence is clear here when one applies it to a person coming into relationship with Christ.
The individual hears the calling of God and HEARS that God has something against him(law) and the solution and he then turns to Christ in repentance/reconcile and he THEN offers his gift/himself to united in sacrifice on the alter. In this we offer our lives to be united with him in death.
Thus the response of faith God declares right and the imputing the righteousness or atonement of Christ are two different things. You CANNOT be united with Christ in baptism which is his atonement unless you have been declared right at heart by repentance.