The economic downturn, by all measures and analysis, is going to get worse before it gets better and most promise that it'll be long and deep. As Dick Morris said tonight, if O doesn't stop the bleeding within a year his Presidency will be in big trouble. If so, then 2012 may be a good time to run if you're Jindal and the Congressional elections could be a harbinger of success for conservatives. We'll see.
Lets just pray it is the REAL conservatives. Not the pack that just got kicked out.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Lets just pray it is the REAL conservatives. Not the pack that just got kicked out.
Newt already had plans to keep us on track. Who steered us away from his Contract for America? It's like this guy has wasted his time and energy on those in his own party that didn't listen.
Now, they are saying he is ready to become involved again. Who is going to listen to him if they haven't in the past?
Newt already had plans to keep us on track. Who steered us away from his Contract for America? It's like this guy has wasted his time and energy on those in his own party that didn't listen.
Now, they are saying he is ready to become involved again. Who is going to listen to him if they haven't in the past?
If he is smart, he will bypass those in power, appeal directly to the people who will forse elected officials hands.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
This is Paul Ryan, a Republican and the Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee. I think that he has a big future if he is embraced. If the GOP was talking like this instead of talking about Obama so much, they may have struck a chord. By the end of the race McCain/Palin were talking about Obama more than Obama was.
If the GOP continues to trot out the same old tired rhetorical positions, they will continue to lose ground. Even Bill O'Reilly said that the empty ideological and rhetorical positions may still make for a successful talk career, but will no longer win general elections.
Bumping this for Paul Ryan!!! He has his head about him on economic issues - we need that!!!
Also want to put forth - MIKE PENCE - once again. An excellent article, and about time, written about him. He has never changed his stance from the beginning - solid!
June 21, 2010 Mike Pence and the Winning Back of America
Mike Pence -- like Ronald Reagan -- is a son of the heartland has those values. While incumbents and establishment insiders try to figure out how to adapt and appeal to the tea party movement, Mike Pence was very early recognized by them as someone who had already earned their allegiance by years of devotion to those principles. He has not changed his bedrock values; the rest of the nation has come back to them. He expresses those values quite well as the keynote speaker at the recent Taxpayer March on Washington. After 18 months of Democratic steamrolling over our principles , the shredding of the Constitution, and the turning of the people's house into a house of ill-repute (via bribes and deals behind closed doors) , Pence called it like it is when he characterized Nancy Pelosi as "the least Democratic Speaker in U.S. History" . Telling it like it is -- that is what we should want in our leaders.
Mike Pence has been in the forefront of devising new policies for many years. Even before entering politics, he was president of a think tank. After entering politics, he has led the way on immigration reform (focusing on securing our borders and following and enforcing our laws as well as providing a way for honest immigrants to meet our labor needs), free speech (battling Democratic plans to impose the Fairness Doctrine on us -- that would be the death knell for talk radio and independent voices. He battled the health care plan water boarded down our throats by Democrats (see his Wall Street Journal op-ed, "This Law Will Not Stand"), the budget (as he was in the forefront opposing the disastrous "stimulus" bill and has tried to prevent yet another bailout -- this time of spendthrift European nations who have avoided the tough choices need to bring this fiscal affairs in order). He wants to stop "the freight train of big government " (a ringing phrase coined by him) before we are crushed by it. The big spending that is endemic in D.C. and has become a pandemic across state governments -he wants to end the waste of our money and restore fiscal sanity to the asylum that Democrats now run-into the ground.
I know that this is an old thread, but if Jindal makes a run for the nomination, you can be sure his "volcano monitoring" sound bite, along with the ensuing volcanic eruption in Alaska a month later, will be brought up again and again.
Just an unfortunate bad moment of timing for him, but it will be raised nonetheless.
I know that this is an old thread, but if Jindal makes a run for the nomination, you can be sure his "volcano monitoring" sound bite, along with the ensuing volcanic eruption in Alaska a month later, will be brought up again and again.
Just an unfortunate bad moment of timing for him, but it will be raised nonetheless.
I've heard that his demeanor is too quiet and is one reason he would not hold up in an election. lol
I think people will always be looking for their Saul.
Did you hear George Stephanopoulos, speaking of Obama, "The tall man always wins."? It sounded so stupid, I was embarrassed that he said it. But, alas, I'm afraid we look more at outward appearance and showmanship, than we do character and proven policy.