No sir, you are recalling incorrectly. I have clarified many times that I am not for any candidate or any party. The problem here is that anybody who expresses that they are not falling for the Republican strategies any longer is viewed as a liberal, a Democrat, and by extension unsaved.
Don't you love it when Obama goes - and, and, and..... LOL!
When you understand the finer details of a subject it takes more than bumper sticker phrases to explain it sufficiently. If a politician can offer an answer that doesn't challenge the time offered....he's obviously over simplifying. I work for the government. I watch our city manager give speeches and when he cuts to short ones....we know to dig in and go DEEP to get to the real issues with the subject he's glossing over. The problem is that when a politician elaborates and tries to explain in detail people without the mental capabilities to follow or attention deficit disorder loose attention and the point is lost on them.
No sir, you are recalling incorrectly. I have clarified many times that I am not for any candidate or any party. The problem here is that anybody who expresses that they are not falling for the Republican strategies any longer is viewed as a liberal, a Democrat, and by extension unsaved.
Unsaved yes. liberal most likely but not necessarily a democrat. you could be a bonifide communist.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!