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Old 08-06-2008, 09:31 PM
Highlyfavored Highlyfavored is offline
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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

Why does the Anti-Christ have to be a Black man. If he is the Anti-Christ, which I don't believe, there is nothing you can do to stop biblical prophecy. Bible prophecy will be fore-filled.
Why does the first Black man who is a real contender for president have to be the Anti-Christ? He isn't an unknown. He has been working in Chicago for years. He went to Harvard Law school, then he worked as a community organizer, then he was in the State Senate for about 8 years. He has been a US Senator for about 3 years. He isn't a Muslim. His father comes from Africa. I am more afraid of Bush and McCain then Obama.
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:06 PM
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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

[QUOTE=RandyWayne;558885]What also scares me is how many Christians will vote for someone who is also pro-"tax the rich!", pro-"minimum wage!", pro-"cut the military" and pro-"nanny state".


Is there any options for someone who's not "tax us all" ?
Jerry Moon

The heresy hunters are still with us. Only now, instead of stakes, they use their books and radio programs to destroy those they consider heretics.... I'm concerned that heresy hunting may be turning into leukemia because some cultwatchers seem more intent on destroying parts of the body than healing the body....

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Old 08-06-2008, 10:12 PM
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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

Originally Posted by Revelationist View Post
I'd rather not be able to spell than to have the attitude that you have...
I'd rather you stop spreading lies in the first place. If you get educated along the way good to go.
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Old 08-07-2008, 07:29 AM
jezebelslayer jezebelslayer is offline
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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

Originally Posted by gloryseeker View Post
but what you are saying is a different topic then who we are to vote for. We are to stand for righteousness always. Just because god says that demonic things are going to happen doesn't mean that we as christian try to accelerate them. We stand against evil and proclaim the word of god. That's all i was saying.
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Old 08-11-2008, 05:36 AM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

Originally Posted by Revelationist View Post
I got the folling in a email the other day.

Subject: Revelation

The Book of Revelation!
This will make you re-think : A Trivia question in Sunday School : How
long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelation ? Guess the Answer? Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is.

Almost a four-year term to a Presidency. All I can say is Lord Have Mercy on us!!!!!!

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is:
The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and
he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything .. Is it OBAMA?? I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can!

Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet...do it! I refuse to take a chance on this unknown candidate who came out of nowhere.
This is nonsense. There is NO WAY Barack Obama is the antichrist. The antichrist will feature details, that Mr. Obama seriously lacks, that the Jews know to look for on account of prophecy.

Detail #1: Barack Obama is over 40, and STILL hasn't had his Bar Mitzvah!
. . . you get the idea
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Old 08-11-2008, 07:18 AM
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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
This is nonsense. There is NO WAY Barack Obama is the antichrist. The antichrist will feature details, that Mr. Obama seriously lacks, that the Jews know to look for on account of prophecy.

Detail #1: Barack Obama is over 40, and STILL hasn't had his Bar Mitzvah!
. . . you get the idea
I agree, I think it's even sillier to think that the antichrist is a man. There is not one scripture that even say's that he is a man. Nor is it all future, it's all past. But I keep getting these silly emails...
Jerry Moon

The heresy hunters are still with us. Only now, instead of stakes, they use their books and radio programs to destroy those they consider heretics.... I'm concerned that heresy hunting may be turning into leukemia because some cultwatchers seem more intent on destroying parts of the body than healing the body....

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Old 08-12-2008, 06:50 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

Originally Posted by gloryseeker View Post
I vote for the one that represents the most of the Bible....doubt there will ever be a candidate that fully endorses the Word of God, but the closest is the best that can be done.

It amazes me the number of "Christians" that will vote for pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-immorality candidates.

The people in office have a large impact on the morality of our nation, just look at the decline in morality since many Christians voted Mr. Clinton into office...it's pathetic!
I personally believe that the antichrist will be a devout relgious man, exemplifying true faith and morality. He's a deceiver, his true colors come out about half way through his rule. I believe he'll be hailed and cheered by religious conservatives.

Some Christians will vote for the man who "says" he's all for the Bible, values, etc. But recently, all who say they are have just been pandering to us, lying, and deceiving us to get our votes. If I were a devious politician, I'd definately be Pro-Life....by doing that one simple thing I'd secure the mindless masses who don't care about policy but rather only care about what I "say" I'm for. Then I'd be Pro-Business, to lock in more wealthy contributors. Just those two "statements" would secure millions of votes...even if my policies have no effect on abortion and I grow my government beyond anything the Democrats ever invisioned.

The Antichrist will be pro-war and pro-death penalty. He'll blend religious dogma with his politics. At the outset he'll be a MAJOR supporter of Israel and peace. The Antichrist will most likely walk hand in hand with the Pope (false prophet). To have the Vatican's support and do all this... he'd have to be rather conservative.
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Old 08-14-2008, 11:56 AM
Highlyfavored Highlyfavored is offline
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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

I agree with Aquila. The Anti-Christ will be someone who will deceive many and show great supernatural powers. He will appear very religious and seem to have all the answers. I also believe the Anti-Christ will appear after the church is raptured away. The spirit of the Anti-Christ may be here but I believe the true Anti-Christ won't be revealed until the church is raptured. As long as the church is here praying the devil can't have full reign of the earth. That is why Jesus said pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As bad as things seem right now, they will get much worse when the church is taken away. That will make the earth ripe for the Anti-Christ.
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Old 10-18-2008, 10:27 AM
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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

How has everyone's feelings changed about these post since last August?
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Old 10-18-2008, 11:51 AM
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Jerry Moon

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Re: Obama the AntiChrist?

Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY View Post
How has everyone's feelings changed about these post since last August?

I'm still looking for a scripture that says that the antiChrist will be a man.
Jerry Moon

The heresy hunters are still with us. Only now, instead of stakes, they use their books and radio programs to destroy those they consider heretics.... I'm concerned that heresy hunting may be turning into leukemia because some cultwatchers seem more intent on destroying parts of the body than healing the body....

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