Originally Posted by BrotherEastman
And please share with us why?
I think people are reading waaaaaaaaay too much into what Bro. Epley is saying, making him out to be a cultic dictator.
Where I work, they have rules. I'm not even employed by the facility where I work, but I still have to abide by their rules.
That means I have to cover my tattoos when I work there. I can only have one pair of earrings on. When I'm at clinical, I have to wear my barely-below-my-shoulders length hair up above my collar. I can't have any facial piercings. And.....*gasp*.....I have to watch my language and not be vulgar or offensive!!! Even when outside!!!
You might think I work for a bunch of commie gestapos, but the fact is, I love my job, and I will obey those rules in order to be a nurse. There is nothing that says I can't be a nurse elsewhere and not have to obey those rules, but I don't want to go elsewhere.
I see Bro. Epley in the same light. He has rules. He already stated it wasn't Biblical and that he didn't preach it was a heaven or hell issue, but people are still reading and responding to him that way.
He has rules. People can choose to obey or not to obey. This doesn't make them unsaved. He never even hinted at that. He said they can go elsewhere if they like, but the fact that he's admitted to having about 40 men in his congregation tells me that he has about 100 in his church, at least.
If they don't have a problem with his rules, why do we??
I attended a church where I wanted to be in the choir. My pastor told me his rules that he had for choir members. He didn't give me a single verse or scripture passage for any one of those rules....he just said it's what he preferred. I obeyed without hesitation. Why? Because I loved that church and wanted to be a member of the choir.
Sure, I could have went elsewhere and been a member of their choir without following all those rules, but I wasn't complaining, therefore, what was the big deal?
If you don't want to follow the rules, then don't. Nobody is going to force you, but don't complain you don't like the rules when you have a choice of places to attend church.
That's how I see it. Now let the stoning begin!