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Old 09-16-2007, 08:35 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Barb View Post
Thank you for the compliment, but I often feel out of my element and wonder from day to day why I remain.

I agree that there are valid points on all sides. Unfortunately, in the heat of whatever, they are often overlooked and things get out of hand...all in the name of love you understand.

Discrimination has been with us from the beginning of time, but to call it persecution from the Church...I will NEVER say that!!

But oh how I wish the Body would and could unite, Rhonda...


You remain because you are the seasoning that is needed. Your objective and goal is grace and mercy. You example it in your posts. You are part of the body we can't live without...the heart.

Love, Rhonda
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Old 09-16-2007, 08:46 AM
Truly Blessed Truly Blessed is offline
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Originally Posted by crazyhomie View Post
My departing comments on this thread.

Folks, this has been fun, but not what I had intended. Newman said it best in his last thread; the thread was originally designed to address the issue of "Eve being the mother of all living" and how Satan would attempt to destroy her. The church I was referring to was not your local assembly, but the historical church that reaches across the globe and from generation to generation.
How the early church fathers may or may not have contributed to the spirit of persecution against the female gender. Those who believe that women have not and are still not being persecuted just don't have a global view and proper understanding of what Satan is up to.

I live in a very poor section of the country and abuse is rampant. Domestic abuse and violence against women is at an all time high. Incest, rape, molestation is staggering. I can't tell you the women I've prayed for at the altars who have been molested by their fathers. It seems like a daily occurance.
If 15 year olds who are carrying their fathers babies is not persecution against women, I don't know what is. My heart bleeds for a church that will rise to the occasion and stand against this spiritual agression.

As a pastor in this community, we are actively working to help and mend these broken souls.

The righteous church should be involved in helping and extending a hand to this crticial area of need in our society. We have to stop shouting and jumping and start caring, loving and giving. Open our hearts, our homes, get dirty and involved in what Jesus died for.

We must be willing to look beyond ourselves and see the real world for whom Jesus died. I love the Apostolic faith, but a name means nothng to the crack addict selling her body for a $2.00 hit. The incident of AIDS in my part of the country is some of the highest. I'm sure if some of you checked you would be amazed at the statistics locally.

Globally; Bosnia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the slave trade, muslim oppression, mormonism, domestic abuse and violence, etc. was also on my mind and I hoped would have been addressed.

I'm new to the thread, but honestly I don't know if I'll be back. I have some really interesting questions still lingering, but the offense and personal negativity is astounding. The inability to have open dialogue without offense is lacking. I'm guilty also and will search my heart as well.

Satan is interested in destroying Eve. I've seen too much of it and you can't convince me otherwise. God Bless.
I appreciate the love and compassion being expressed in this post. I totally agree with you when you say, "We must be willing to look beyond ourselves and see the real world for whom Jesus died."

I have grown so tired of the apathy that exists among OPs when it comes to actually doing what Jesus Christ has commissioned us to do. For most Christians it's all about having church instead of being the church. For most it's let's go to church and be entertained.

If the church wants to be the church, it needs to catch the spirit of what you are expressing in this post.
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Old 09-16-2007, 08:48 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
I think Christ summed it up well...the commandments can all be summed up in this: Loving your neighbor as yourself. If we were just full of mercy, grace, and love...there would be no issues.


We realize with our heads but sometimes not with our hearts...the church is the sum of it's members/people. Persecution often comes as the world affects the church. Discrimination and denegration of women is in the body as one member exalts themselves over another. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the church affected the world to a greater extent than vica versa?

Love & Prayers, Rhonda
But again, is denegration and discrimination by some persecution by the Chruch?! In my humble and uneducated opinion, no...
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Old 09-16-2007, 08:49 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post

You remain because you are the seasoning that is needed. Your objective and goal is grace and mercy. You example it in your posts. You are part of the body we can't live without...the heart.

Love, Rhonda
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Old 09-16-2007, 08:56 AM
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I lovethe ACTS church where men and women went everywhere preaching the gospel...it was not about big I little you or vise versa it was about JESUS..YAHSHUA...
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Old 09-16-2007, 09:03 AM
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After reading CH's last post, TB you have summed up my exacts thoughts!

Crazyhomie, thank you so much for your last post. We are so blessed in our own little world that we only speak of what surrounds us, what affects us, so many times we speak with on.

TB, you really hit the nail square on the head!

I'm sure God at times is so disappointed in us as we fuss and fight and want to be called his church. We've lost touch with reality for the most part because we don't live day to day surrounded by people like CH has talked about.

Man, this has ripped into my heart............

Originally Posted by Truly Blessed View Post
I appreciate the love and compassion being expressed in this post. I totally agree with you when you say, "We must be willing to look beyond ourselves and see the real world for whom Jesus died."

I have grown so tired of the apathy that exists among OPs when it comes to actually doing what Jesus Christ has commissioned us to do. For most Christians it's all about having church instead of being the church. For most it's let's go to church and be entertained.

If the church wants to be the church, it needs to catch the spirit of what you are expressing in this post.
P.S. Crazyhomie - please stick around - - we need conviction in our lives.
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Old 09-16-2007, 09:09 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
I lovethe ACTS church where men and women went everywhere preaching the gospel...it was not about big I little you or vise versa it was about JESUS..YAHSHUA...
Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
After reading CH's last post, TB you have summed up my exacts thoughts!

Crazyhomie, thank you so much for your last post. We are so blessed in our own little world that we only speak of what surrounds us, what affects us, so many times we speak with on.

TB, you really hit the nail square on the head!

I'm sure God at times is so disappointed in us as we fuss and fight and want to be called his church.
We've lost touch with reality for the most part because we don't live day to day surrounded by people like CH has talked about.

Man, this has ripped into my heart............

P.S. Crazyhomie - please stick around - - we need conviction in our lives.
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Old 09-16-2007, 09:29 AM
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Going back to the original post again, any attempt to subjugate and ruin any part of the human race - including women - is devilish and evil.

I don't know much about Tertullian or Augustine but there's no doubt their minds and hearts were twisted to say what they did about women. Of course I'm just going on the quotes offered in the initial post, but reading those posts makes me wonder just exactly what their problem was!! Seems like they had major issues!

Jesus loved women and demonstrated it. He showed no bias. He showed them love and respect, but there is also no doubt that the apostles' teaching lined up with God's plan i.e. that women were to live with and under male leadership and dominance --- dominance in its best definition though. Her role was to be a helpmeet to man. And that was demonstrated many times over throughout scripture. Doesn't mean she can't lead either. Because there are examples of women occupying leadership positions throughout scripture.

Man is commanded by God to love and provide for women and give them proper respect. Of course Satan wants to pervert and destroy God's best intention for women. That's his business. It has always been his business.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 09-16-2007, 09:48 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
Going back to the original post again, any attempt to subjugate and ruin any part of the human race - including women - is devilish and evil.

I don't know much about Tertullian or Augustine but there's no doubt their minds and hearts were twisted to say what they did about women. Of course I'm just going on the quotes offered in the initial post, but reading those posts makes me wonder just exactly what their problem was!!

Jesus loved women and demonstrated it. He showed no bias. He showed them love and respect, but there is also no doubt that the apostles' teaching lined up with God's plan i.e. that women were to live with and under male leadership and dominance --- dominance in its best definition though. Her role was to be a helpmeet to man. And that was demonstrated many times over throughout scripture. Doesn't mean she can't lead either. Because there are examples of women occupying leadership positions throughout scripture.

Man is commanded by God to love and provide for women and give them proper respect. Of course Satan wants to pervert and destroy God's best intention for women. That's his business. It has always been his business.
Yes, I agree.

The literal meaning of helpmeet is a help, answering to him, or one who answers.

My dad had this in his Bible when I was a young'un...

Eve was made out of the side of Adam. Not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved.

I remember reading it often and thinking how cool it would be if this were true with everyone everywhere...
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Old 09-16-2007, 09:50 AM
SDG SDG is offline

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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
Here is a great truth.

A pastor I preached for once as a young married man gave me a piece of advice about relationships that I have never forgotten.

He said, "Boy, if you want sweet, be sweet."
Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
Another meaningless comment.

Daniel, you would defend the devil himself if he registered here and attacked Apostolic doctrine and ministry.
Another post that reflects a policeman and pharisee-saturated attitude.

Some of us are wearisome that a handful believe that this forum is a church... that we must somehow submit the the spiritual authority of overseers and their twisted view of TRUTH.

You are only sweet to those that agree w/ you. When they somehow challenge your dogma the Coondog comes out.

Forums are places of discussion ... a place to opine ... not shrines that agree w/ you and ... be submitted to a barrage of Inquisition-like castigations.

Your weak attempts to somehow monopolize the term Apostolic is just that a feeble attempt.

The predictable devices to define and pigeon-hole CrazyH are only based on the perceptions of a shrinking minority....

Yet you continue to marginalize and attack him even when he said things to the contrary.

CrazyH, spoke in general terms about a subject that should be important to all of us .... the priesthood of all believers. I submit CrazyH is as Apostolic as the rest of us.

I must admit, however, that I enjoy seeing you post in the typical dogmatic, duplicitous, reactionary mode .... because well .... at least your posting.
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