Re: BY THIS STANDARD-Greg L. Bahnsen
Christian Reconstructionism is also a vision of an ideal to be realized politically. It can only be counted successful as far as it's political agenda is successful. In the current society, it is highly unlikely it will ever be realized. And once realized, assuming it's even possible, it will violate Christian sovereignty just as much as any secular government.
Christian Anarchy is here and now. You can reckon yourself as strictly under Christ's authority, and opposed to civil authority, after reading this. And at that very moment, you've realized the Kingdom. Now, you're not out to politic, bomb, or cause revolution. Now, you're focus should be to refuse participation in any civil construct that hinders the Spirit, violates your faith, or subjects you to being beholden to the system. You can refuse to participate in civil marriage. You can choose to home school. You can refuse to seek state ministers licensing. You can grow your own food, medicine, and seek to secure your independence upon this world's systems as much as possible. You can choose to obey certain laws like traffic laws, pay taxes, etc., as you seek to live peaceably with all men, and remain unhostile to civil authority. And you can join or form voluntary associations of like-minded Christians and work on this together.
Christian Reconstructionism rises and falls on the winds of earthly politics. Christian Anarchy is a present realization that immediately becomes a reality in the individual.
Christian Reconstructionism is the desire to enforce OT law upon all by political means. Christian Anarchy desires voluntary surrender to NT teaching, living, community, and practice...apart from the civil governments of this world, religious or secular.
Last edited by Aquila; 09-11-2018 at 03:25 PM.