Originally Posted by Esther
I don't think so if you are BOTH in agreement. I think that is what the Bible stated, is that you both give of yourself to each other.
I think Neck has made the best post on this thread, about it being first about relationship. That brings the quality you are searching for. IMO
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Most of the married men who are addicted to sexual content of anykind.
Fall prey to these lust because they have not built a relationship of love and intimacy with any of their past partners.
I have a greater desire to take my personal intimacy with my wife to a higher level.
That is what seperates me from those who have sex with an "IP" address.
I do not need scriptures, laws, prenup agreements to keep me from pursuing other desires.
I spend my time pursing the intimacy and fullfilment that comes only with honest and pure intimacy with my wife.
Without this intimacy, so many ladies resent their husbands.
So many men resent their wives.
It is why sex to them will never reach to fullfillment in their lives.
They are on the wrong road of pursuit.
We are not to pursue sex but to pursue love......