Originally Posted by mrnbcox
If the world says its cool for men to wear skirts, do we just change our stand with the times and say its okay?
The world may change, but God's word doesn't.
And the Bible says that it's a sin for a man to wear a skirt, right?
Oh, it doesn't? Because men in the Bible, including Jesus, wore them? Right.
Clothing is a cultural issue. For over 5,000 years of recorded human history, men AND women wore robes. In our current culture, men AND women wear pants..... or
bifurcated garments, if you prefer.
It'd be a little difficult for the verse in Deut. to be referring to pants, since men wore robes back then. Just like the women did.
CULTURE changed, and men started wearing pants. Why? Shouldn't they have continued wearing robes, and not followed the edicts of the world? Shouldn't they have insisted on being
separate, and remaining in Biblical attire? Jesus would probably have been considered immodest if he'd walked around looking like you look right now.