Originally Posted by CC1
Now, now. You know you are messing with sacred cows here (no matter how extra biblical they are).
It is funny how adamant OTP's are about this subject yet they have zero biblical basis for traditional Pentecostal "shouting" or "dancing in the spirit". It is totally a tradition within the movement with no New Testament premise or example.
It might be a sacred cow to some, but to limit it to OP is to forget the Awakenings of Early America (to cite one example). Some who disdain such extravagances of emotion should read Jonathan Edwards' brilliant defense of such goings on in early American revivals.
There is no more respected religious intellectual in all American history than Edwards...
Sadly, the "Old Lights" soon snuffed out all outward affections and emotions and the "New Lights" faded back into stuffy religiousity.